Recent forum posts (all topics)

Progress? and... job interview...

Hello all...

first, Yay! I have a job interview coming up!  (I'll know exactly when sometime next week...)

Also - totally had my mind blown yesterday by a series of lectures by Dr. Russell Barkley, Ph.D at the Centre for ADD/ADHD Advocacy, Canada.  You can find these lectures on Vimeo.  'Jon' posted about them in the thread about selfishness.

Which Gadgets, Fidgets, Practices, and Products Do you or your ADHD partner Find Indispensible?


I am always looking into things in addition to medication which help reduce symptoms in my son and me.  I am wondering if anyone has had any success with brain training software/subscriptions.  I just signed up for a trial period with Luminosity, but I don't know enough about the success rate, how it compares to other programs, etc...

Finally throwing in the towel

Those of you who have read my posts before will remember, my posts were full of things other spouses of ADDers face-no job, no help around the house, etc. I finally got a legitimate "work from home" job and found myself, within a few weeks, working 60 or more hours a week. I spent hours working away on my computer listening to him watch whatever TV shows caught his fancy-mostly off-network reruns like Ghost Whisperer, NCIS, etc. And he did nothing to clean the house or make my life function better (except he did cook). This went on over a year. He never even looked for work.

I want to hear the SUCCESS stories

Hello everyone. I'm new here. I've been coming to the site for a bout six months but it wasn't until I read Melissa's book 3 weeks ago that I started to understand that my DH has a real condition and it is causing a lot of the problems we've been having since we got together 10 years ago. we were on the verge of breaking up until I read the book. I have been working on letting go of my anger and resentment for the past 3 weeks. might take me a while.

but here's my good news:

Date night

Hey all-I'm new to posting here, thought I've been reading for a long time.  I'm so thankful for this site, as my husband and I are new to dealing with his ADD (recently diagnosed).  Our marriage blew-up, but we are on the road to recovery, thank goodness!  

My question is really for anyone here who has ADD/ADHD.  What kind of date nights are fun for you?  We are really having a hard time finding ways to "go out" that work for both of us.  Any great ideas out there?



