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sounds crazy....crazy love....ADHD,I am not I am....

I am not ready to handle his ADHD,I am not ready to handle his mood swings,I am never ready for his depressions and anger...but I want his love...I need his love...he is so charming,sweet and very kind loving,yet very arrogant,inconsiderate,selfish and bad minded,What shall I do with this crazy love that is in front of me.I am very damn,damn to be put in this strenuous position at this time in my life,when I should have the life I deserve with a caring loving passionate husband,but I end up having the good,bad and the ugly out of marriage.

Turning the Corner

I'm turning a corner. This is a great site. For a while, it feels great to VENT, to get it out of your system all the things that are boiling inside and you don't say to family or friends.  It is great to have this place where you can be heard and understood. It is a great place to compare notes to weigh in to see if you are crazy or off base.  It is a great place to learn about the descriptions of relationships going through similar things and get some answers about WHY things are so challenging and what can be done.

I need guidence for a person with ADHA & Marriage

I need guidance for a person with ADHA & Marriage...

I think I have untreated undiagnosed ADHD.

My wife and myself are both stubborn and opinionated however I have these brief angry outbursts, short term memory loss and I get distracted very easy when in a conversation especially towards my wife when she questions or comments on something I've done wrong. I've been reading this blog and it sounds like I have adult ADHD.

I am married. My husband is not married.

He NEVER starts a conversation or calls me.  I tested to see how long he would go if I didn't approach him to talk.  Not a word or a nod for OVER FIVE DAYS and it was me who ended up approaching him!!! This weekend there was my family event and I said, "Don't go. You haven't talked to me in days.  I am tired of pretending to people that we are a couple. I will tell the people there we are fighting and I don't want you to be there."  THAT got his attention.

Very confused- Fiance has ADHD -a roller coaster relationship

I am not sure this is being post in the right forum. My fiance has ADHD and we are in the midst of another break up/make up cycle. I love him and am not looking to change him, however I am becoming weary/anxious about moving forward with things with him, the instability of the relationship is making me question whether we are  strong enough together to work through whatever obstacles that we have to face.

Medications for the Non-ADHD Spouse


Despite my dislike of using medications and financial problems and concerns about side effects, I've finally started to consider the possibility of asking my doctor about getting a prescription for an anti-anxiety medication.  My biggest fear is that the medication will work so well that I'll stop caring about my crappy marriage and will stop working to make myself and my life better.  What advice can non-ADHD spouses offer?  Thanks!
