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I have learnt alot about ADHD and the things that may trigger it more frequently than usual,ALCOHOL ABUSE,DRUGS, I want to state that I am not currently with my husband right now but was/is thinking of trying the relationship with meds,and treatment,also therapy.I am understanding alot better than before now, I did not really know certain things of which I know now,and also to help other's and encourage them on how ,to handle a spouse that's not on treatment or meds.Today he was at my home where he was fuming with alcohol and marijuana,he was very nice at first but then the trigger of alcoh


I did not want to write this forum but I need help! every one is well aware of me by now since I posted like 5 to 6 forums for the past few days, I can't even remember I have lost count.I hope that every one can understand how hard this is for me and,  I am a very strong/weak person at this point in my marriage.I am from the Caribbean and the help here in the Caribbean is not so advanced with their treatment in ADDer's.I left my husband a few days now with the hyper ness in me never to return,I am having second thoughts.Why?

Suggestions on treatment. My ADHD is hurting my marriage!

I was officially diagnosed with ADHD in November 2010 at the age of 25. I have known that I had ADHD since childhood but it was never caught and diagnosed. Anyways, I went on Vyvanse and it was great. When I lost my health insurance, my Dr. switch me to Adderall IR because it was more affordable. After being on the max daily dose (40mg) I had to go back to Vyvanse because it just wasn't working anymore.

Trying to figure things out

Finding this site has helped open my eyes to many things.  I feel as if I can understand my husband better and that I am not alone in my feelings of being lost.  My husband is yet to be officially diagnosed though we both know that he suffers with ADHD.  I have known this since we started dating 15 years ago.  I was very good at dealing with it, or ignoring the issues possibly, until our son came along 4 years ago.  Since having to divide my time between him and our son, my frustration has grown by leaps and bounds.  In the last 2 years we have both hurt each other by turning to other peopl


I called him even though we are not together, and because I care for him, and still do love him, but have loads of doubt of making up back with him, I tried to explain to him he needs to get treated for his ADHD,he won't listen!,he won't go to a therapist or take medications to help him function.I noticed alot of symptoms even over the phone that I would like to point out.

1)he never listens

2)his voice gets louder and louder like he thinks i am deaf.

3)he is always right never wrong.

4)he gets defensive.


Why do we do horrible things, then feel sorry after?Putting aside ADHD and the long shot of it, aren't we people with brain's?ADHD may have some symptoms to go with the long term distractions' in life but there is the "THINK BEFORE" we do things especially if it will bring heart break.I am no expert but I have a brain and I try not to do things to then feel sorry after.Today my spouse is no longer a part of me since he do things then feel sorry after..He cheated then felt sorry,he cursed me then felt sorry,he accused me wrongfully then felt sorry after,he did everything to then feel sorry a


I am tired of my spouse's accusations and his dreadful remarks.I am COMPLETELY INNOCENT when it comes to infidelity,he does not trust me when we were together.To date we are not presently together, and he came by my house this afternoon thinking I would run in to his arms and forgive him.How can I forgive him when he never even was apologetic for his cruelty and hard disgusting remarks and reap roaches.It's like he is too proud to even be nice.He killed my true feelings for him, and every one around me knows how much I loved him like there was no tomorrow.He came by me today with nothing to


Today I felt as though I was In a different planet,I got up and went to the grocery, and did all my shopping,came home and cooked my family,kids a great meal.I feel relieved from prison,my freedom to live came back,my ADHD husband is no longer with me to tarp me within his means and cage me like a bird.I am happy,happy to be alone again and single enjoying life in a stress free environment.My 1 year 2 months of being with a severe ADHD spouse has ended,THANK GOD.I believe that any one that is in a suffering relationship like the one I was in will be set free one day,the choice belongs to th


Hopefully, I'm not repeating any old information here, I haven't dropped by in a while but after learning about verbal abuse without any mention of ADD, I felt a need to share. My ADD spouse told me more times than I can count that I was just "too sensitive" but apparently he's verbally abusive and he doesn't even realize it! If I pointed it out I'd be a "trouble maker" too! Really? If he's been diagnosed with ADD, we can't point out the verbal abuse?

An excerpt from the link:
