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Can someone tell me why some people just refer to their diagnosis as ADD while others refer to it as ADHD.  I've always thought that the hyperactivity is always a part of it even if it doesn't show physically.  One of the reasons ADHD has the symptoms that it does is because the brain is "hyper"...right?

Physical Abuse and ADHD

I have no idea how I got to this place in life.  I am a woman with ADHD and I found myself physically abusing my husband tonight.  A significant event regarding our child began an evening long verbal battle, then helpful discussion, then a physical attack on him.  (up and down just like my mood) God bless him, he did not hit back or kick me out.  I need to know if there are other women out there who are like me.  I need to know how to "turn it off".   

Obstacles to finances


There is always so much when it comes to finances. We have both improved dramatically in the realm of finances since we started dating. That said, I wasn't that great to begin with and DHs version of controlling his finances was not to have any. The only bills he had when I met him was his car insurance and phone. He lived in the barracks and bought his car outright. He spent every dime he had every paycheck but took the attitude that it didn't matter because he didn't have any bills (or thoughts about the future.)

ADHD or Aspergers?

It's been almost a year since I asked for a divorce from my ex, who moved out of our home after I could not take his inability to empathize and contribute anything to the household, followed by verbal abuse and a chronic, maddening sense of irresponsibility. Too little too late, I'm learning about a condition that very, very closely mirrors ADHD (and is sometimes comorbid with it): Aspergers Syndrome.

New to this, help.....

My husband was recently diagnosed with ADHD at age 62.  He grew up feeling something was different and adjusted.  We have been married 5 years and it was a wonderful dating and "in love" time.  And as the books say, then things become real, not so focused on the in-love and we approached the normal life.  This diagnoses has helped us to see and understand some things, but it is very new and scary to me.  I have searched some counseling help for me in our area but don't seem to be getting anywhere - lots of help for him though.  We have discovered the medication has helped him put clarity in

I did the right thing.


Today I was feeling very sad,sad, that I miss him so much, and wished that we was not controlled by what I call the "next him"but as I write this forum, I know that I have made the right decision and refused his invitation by him"TODAY".I texted him, and in my text to him I wrote and expressed my love to him so strongly,and also went on to tell him that if we don't go to a doctor together to seek treatment from the "next him" then I would not be able to go home by him,because after I thought about it all week, and all day, every minute of every second, I came up with the same conclusion,he

He is blaming me!

He is blaming me for everything and not taking responsibilities for his actions,he told me so clearly on several occasions, that we are not really married even though we really are, because I would not live with him, and disown my children.He disowned his kids and abandon them to run from child support.The mother of one of these kids would call him over a period of time telling him she needs him to send money, because the economy was at a down hill, and she was out of work,she would call crying and crying, while he did nothing even though we were now at caught ship at the time, and I too us
