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He refuses to do the things I want to do!

My husband is the true selfish ADHD type!and how long will I go on accepting it!?!?!?!?I can't say?It's all in the stupidness of that dysfunctional brain and I have had enough!There is no doubt of the way I love him and the things I go through with him on a day to day basis,I have been putting up with a lot and more,this is ridiculous,how much more again can I put up with?????.He has left a different city to move here and resided for 2 and a half years now, and only been settled and stabled for the last year or so when he met me.I gave him the motivation to live here and be stabled when he

When he refuses to acknowledge his anger.

What do you do when he refuses to see his anger? My fiancée and I have been together on and off for almost 6 years. (I’m 44 and divorced. He is 49 and twice divorced. His kids are grown and out of the house. I have my 13 year old daughter living with me.)  The first few years we were not aware of the ADHD, so the usual problems occurred.  I found this site and started researching ADHD about 2 years ago. When I showed it to him, he was interested in learning more, but flatly refused any medication.

Sucker Punched... Again

I'm feeling so sucker punched I can barely breathe.

I recently felt the usual, "something is up," feeling, so I actually asked if there was a surprise coming down the pike.

The answer was an emphatic, "No, of course not."

Today as I sat down today do bills, I thought something was wrong with my online banking at first.

Turns out he diverted his check to an account I had no idea about.

When I called to ask, what I got was something about, "You remember what happened in December."

How deviated is ADHD marriage from normal marriage?

I have been venting on this forum about my unhappy married life to an ADHD husband. I have been talking and talking and talking about how miserable and suffocating my one year of marriage with him has been. Yesterday I read a book "Is it you, me or adult ADD" and found so many lines that were exactly depicting my husband's behaviors, which brought me into tears:

up and down,LOVE AND HATE.

I am not new to this marriage site as everyone is well aware of me" lovehurtsalotwithanger"That's "me"Hello everybody,I am very anxious to give my update and here goes....My husband and I separated for one week,and the things I felt with in that "one week" is like never before,I "cannot" live without him,I love the crazy,up and down merry go round kind a love,hate,sweet, stupid man! I LOVE HIM,and I am tired!!!!!!why!!!because one minute he is the weekend lover as you all know by now, and then again he is the bad husband!

ADD/ADHD and Narcissism relating to communication

I did a few searches on forum & blog posts before starting this new topic to see if there was a recent discussion that I should post to, but didn't see anything that was quite fitting. I have commented on threads in the past week or so covering inability to answer a question directly, etc., but this subject is enough different that I wanted to post it separately.

HELP! It's the usual clear as mud communication!

I am really hoping for some input here.  My ADHD husband has built not a wall, but a brick fortress up to me, and I have tried everything I know to penetrate that fortress and try to rebuild our relationship.

After reading the ADHD Effect, I really tried to change.  I stopped being demanding (at least I think I did), I quit nagging and would be really sweet to him, I mean I really tried my hardest to change.  All this did was cause him to stay gone from me more and more and more.  

Feeling hopeless and lost

Finding this site today has given me some relief. I am currently undiagnosed in the process of going to a new doctor this week to see what can be done. My brother and father both are diagnosed with ADD. My parents divorced when I was two and my mother always thought I was strong enough to take care of myself and put all of her time and effort into my brother. I experienced many symptoms of ADD as a child and teenager but it was always just brushed off as "being a teen" and so on. I never really developed coping mechanisms or just had the comfort of someone being there for me.

Dealing with finance-related frustrations

I just finished filling out my child's college financial aid application.  My husband used to do the taxes and financial aid applications, but this year, I took over these chores because of my husband's ADHD.  Doing these things causes me a great deal of anxiety because of our financial situation (husband is chronically underemployed and not looking for work), but I'm committed to getting the job done.  So, first, my husband suggested not including all his income on the tax forms (he works for his dad part-time as a caregiver).  I said that I was going to put down the income, because as his
