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A pretty much perfect vacation!

You know how there are some events in your life that you build up so much in your mind that you are afraid that the reality can't ever live up to the hype??  I fortunately have people in my life, including my most fabulous husband, who have made so many of those dreams come true for me.  Our wedding party spent 2 days tenting the entire ceiling of our reception location in gossamer, so that it would have the right fairy tale feel.  10 years ago my wedding was completely a realization of the dreams and plans my fiance and I made together......and I appreciated his involvement so much.   

he won't admit that he has a problem, any ideas?

my husband and i have been together for nearly 7 years now, we have 2 children together and i love him so much it surprises me. only just one problem - he has ADHD and won't admit it. he has been diagnosed, though not by a psychiatrist or anything so not officially, but he doesnt believe adhd is a legitimate condition even, so its impossible to get him to see it. he lives in his own little world, reality is another planet to him. he can't handle finances, he can't focus, he's never on time for anything, he doesn't understand other peoples emotions, if things dont go his way he sulks.

Cheesecake, safety, and sticking my nose where it doesn't belong

My husband, adult son, and 13 year old nephew were working on scrapping out a vehicle.  I looked out the window and saw a potentially dangerous situation.  I went out and voiced my concern to my ADHD spouse.  I am such-a-trained-chimp when it comes to being very cautious how I approach concerns -walking on egg-shells - making sure to use I statements so as not to come across as attacking.  All that communication effort was in vain - the situation turned ugly.  I was told I had no business sticking my nose where it didn't belong.  He doesn't come in and tell me how to make cheesecake, so I h

I Can't Stand His Video Games.

When we got married, my husband and I were 22 years old.  I never minded a little fun with video games every once in a while for myself.  Growing up with 3 computer addicted siblings, I had developed a "moderation in everything" attitude.  My husband knew before we got married how much I wasn't into guys that plugged themselves into machines for hours of recreational time.  In fact, I was totally turned off by it.  He was conveniently not one of "those guys" while we were dating.  We're 11 years down the road, 4 kids later.

I'm so close to being done

I am the non-ADHD spouse. Although my husband is decidedly not "H". He was diagnosed shortly after our eldest child was diagnosed not quite 10 years ago. They are both ADD, inattentive type. Able to hyperfocus, but unable to focus. They get along very well and speak in their own shorthand that does not require attention to complete sentences.

In a grand development, his new psychiatrist decreased his dosage of medication and he thinks she's an idiot and thus, he is SO not going to see her until another med check is absolutely positively required.


HELP... I am new here and need some advice

I have just found this site and think  its awesome, have read a couple of posts and its like reading a page out of my journal.

I have been with my partner, Sam, for seven years.  He has recently been diagnosed with Adult ADD/ADHD.  Its amazing to finally have explanations for all those things that I put down to him being lazy, unmotivated, etc... BUT I feel like Sam uses this as a crutch.

Reading the book, frustrated finding help

I'm the more ADHD of the two, and have begun reading Orlov's book.  I'm about half way through and have noticed and emphasis on finding "someone who knows how to treat ADHD".  This emphasis seems critical, and I can imagine why.  The wife and I are seeing a marriage counselor now, and while she is a licensed family therapist and knows some of the difficulties concerning ADHD, I'm not sure she is the specialist that will help me through the specifics of my symptoms.

Question- I'm new


I've been reading a lot on this site.  It has been extremely helpful and certainly makes me realize I am not alone.  My question is this.  I see most all people seem to have an issue with their ADHD spouses being procrastinators, late, and financially lacking (paying bills late or can't keep a job) But my DH is the exact opposite of this.  He is early to everything- to a fault, the minute a bill comes in he pays it, he has had the same job for 14 years, and 12 on the job before that.  These are very good things, but can be very frustrating.
