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!!! Site issues with adding comments and forum posts - now fixed


I apologize to all of you who tried to leave comments or to post new forum topics.  I keep this site tightly up-to-date with security patches and other updates.  In updating the editor module for the site (the editor that allows you to bold and italicize without needing to know HTML code), it introduced a bug that kept the editor from appearing, and thus making it impossible to create content on the site.  It is now fixed.  My apologies again to all who tried to post over the last two days.


My parents need educational material on my husband's ADHD

My husband was diagnosed with ADHD only about 6 months ago. My mom and dad are our good friends and are the people we usually go to when we need advice. However, since the diagnosis and starting treatment (medication and counseling) my dad has started showing irritation toward my husband--almost as if he has no more patience for him anymore. We’ve explained in basic terms what ADHD is and how an ADHD brain works, but my dad either does not believe it is legitimate or maybe feels inadequate in understanding what support my husband and I need so he is coming across annoyed unintentionally.

I'm non-ADHD, feel like I'm losing myself because I'm trying to accommodate my ADHD spouse

Hi everyone, I'm never posted on any online forum before, but I need help so much and I don't know where else to turn. I've been with my partner for 14 years now, and he was diagnosed with ADHD last year. I did some research on the topic, and I realized that so much of his behaviours, good and bad, stem from his ADHD. It's really helped me understand him better, and our doctor recommended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which he agreed to try.

I just discovered this website and can't believe i am reading about my husband all over it!!

I have always joked that my husband has ADD but just discovered he actually DOES!! He in fact has a pretty serious case of it judging by behavior and answering the questions in Dr. Ned's book.  It explains sooooo many behaviors that i thought were just bizarre or quirky to the extreme! While reading the book i've had several LIGHTBULB moments! Like  when we're in a crowded parking lot looking for a spot he can't just put his blinker on and wait while someone backs out. He'd rather park a mile away and walk!!! I thought this was the craziest thing and so darn exasperating!!

Newly (self-)diagnosed, GF doesn't get it.

Hi everyone,

Been lurking for a few months now, finally decided to speak up. 25 year old male, newly (self) diagnosed ADD with some help from the GF. Unfortunately, thats where her helpfulness and support seemed to stop. We have been together for 4 years, and have seen our share of hardships together. After getting an idea of what is happening, everything really hit the fan. I'm angry, she is angry, and there is no end in sight.

HELP PLEASE.... Alone time for him - how long is too long?

I am 29, this wonderful boyfriend (30 years old) for almost a year. When we first started dating, he told me he has ADD. He told me because of his ADD I will be angry at him because he is forgetful and other things. So he borrowed me a Edward M. Hallowell book so understand him more, I read breifly and convinced myself - there is nothing like him, he is adorable, caring and intelligent. He is everything I want, we shared the same interests, had great fun exploring new things together. He called, texted, IM me everyday. I feel like being with him every minute of my life.

remembers things I didn't say

My partner was diagnosed almost a year ago and has been trying a variety of ADHD meds, trying to figure out the "right mix". Avoids reading the books we purchased to try to work through and resolve some of our ADHD relationship issues although he did agree to read them initially after diagnosis and felt that they would be helpful.....One of the issues we are having is that after a fight or disagreement , when we try to discuss it (after a half or whole day of cooling off) he has memories of things I never said, and repeats these things back to me in a tone that I would not use.

ADD & Infidelity

I really have no statistical bases for the question I am going to pose.  I am not sure how many out of how many meet the criteria of behavior.  Yet, I am still interested in the dynamics between ADD and cheating on your partner.

I have read many stories of infidelity in relationships between ADD / Non ADD individuals.

Adhd long term stress with marraige , work and life in general.

I'm a 25 year old with adhd, diagnosed in high school my parents thought I had a learning disability got tested, IQ of 125. My Adhd has changed over the years. I started off very unmotivated father constantly asking me if I was on drugs. Well I finally got on drugs (adderall xr) and with this prescription my academic life improved. emotionally was ok, but Had some ED issues for an 18 year old guy that's terrible, so adderall went bye, bye.
