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What if I don't sense hyperfocusing?

I've been with my ADHD partner for 6 months. The beginning was different; I remember feeling as if there were hints of hyperfocus, but mainly because we had looser schedules and practically lived in each other's backyards. It was easy to be together and spend time. Fast forward a few months, and he's moved 30 minutes away, and we both have busier work schedules. I don't usually see him during the work week, and if I do, it's only for an hour or two late in the evening. We generally spend weekends together because of the lack of time during the week.

Mid-Life Crisis From Hell

I need to really vent (scream?!) here, so I hope what I'm saying makes sense.  I guess I really need to know if I'm losing my mind here, or if I have a real problem on my hands.  My husband and I are 55 years old, we've been married 20 years, second marriage for both of us, and up to the 15 year point, it was a wonderful marriage.  He was diagnosed with ADHD about three years ago.  I've lived through his having an affair, his cancer diagnosis, not being able to count on him for anything, his focus on everything else but me, his need to control, and his erratic attention span.  And the only

How to get thru that thick skull

Hi folks, I have been a lurker on this website for a while as was my ex gf.. now with current girlfriend for 4 months and my ADHD is starting to show in front of her. I have always been upfront and honest about my difficulty struggling with impulse control  as well as the lack of the concept of stopping and thinking before I react sometimes. Anyway, I got us tickets for a few events that I thought she would enjoy going to with me and instead  a lot of problems occurred.

I'm new here. I need reassurance that my marriage will get better.

I have just discovered this site and I hope it will help. My husband has adhd and I have lost all hope that I can manage our marriage any longer. I have just started reading Melissa's book and I feel like it is the story of my life! 

I have become someone I hate. I'm angry and hateful all of the time. I have 2 kids and I want this to workout. I know he is a good man but I've grown to resent him so much. I don't know how to make him see how i feel. He just thinks that I'm an awful bitch.

Adderall Withdrawal

I am new to the world of dating someone with ADHD. I've been with my partner for 6 months, and unlike many of the stories here - I don't feel the hyperfocusing. We both seem to lead independent lives while being together, and maybe that's why. If anything, I wonder why he doesn't want to hyperfocus on me (like I've read in all the stories throughout this site).

Marriage in Shambles

I posted this on one of the blogs on this site but then realized that nobody had commented there for more than a year, so I guess this is a better place for this.  Sorry for he duplication.

I am not sure where to even start this, so it may come out a little bit unorganized, but I beg you to stay with me.  I was diagnosed with ADHD about 10 years ago and have been on and off of many medications over the years.  I have been on and off Adderal for the past 2 years sometimes with great results and at other times not so great. 
