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It has recently come to my attention that under the Americans with Disabilities Act, ADD/ADHD is considered a 'disability'. I don't work outside the home and in fact rarely leave the house. I find the task of applying for disability overwhelming. Has anyone had success with applying and getting disability with ADD? Can you give me some tips? I very much want to move forward with this, but not sure how to go about it. Thank you.
Hello - I am new to this forum and am glad to have found it.
I am an adult female with ADD. I was diagnosed as an adult and have tried most of the popular ADD/ADHD medications that have been on the market for the past 10 -12 years. I am currently on generic Ritalin (Methylphenidate) with limited success. My Dr has suggested I consider trying Focalin or Vyvanse. I do not have a prescription plan so I pay for these out of pocket and I understand they are very expensive $150- $200 per month. I currently pay about $60 for generic Ritalin.
There are a lot of posts on this site about fixing specific problems, like division of housework and chores. As a non-ADD spouse, I completely agree that these solutions are necessary to create the absolutely necessary relief in the frustrating cycle caused by ADD. But once you start to get past these little things, I'm wondering what a long-term life with someone with ADD means.
(disclaimer, i type really fast causing a lot of typos sometimes lol. i am also a bit upset right now so my writing may be erratic to put it lightly)
My husband was diagnosed with ADD and depression (i disagreed with the second)
I was diagnosed with ADD and social anxiety disorder
soo we both have it...
Seriously, look at the topics under the "Joy in Marriages" forum.
Yes, "Disconnect in marriage." In the "Joy in Marriages" forum.
I met the love of my life last year and he has ADHD. I've just now had this confirmed by a family member of his, apparently he was diagnosed as a child and was medicated for years. He no longer takes the medication for the ADHD.
I was inspired by Miss B to share this "aha" I had the first time I read that people with "executive functions" problems (I have both ADD and bipolar) don't have the ability to think in hierarchies.
When I am talking with my DH, especially when he asks me a question, I have often said "what layer of the cake are you talking about?" What I realized was that while I can see all of the possible answers/meanings/ramifications of his question, I have no clue as to which is the most appropriate one. It is very frustration to both of us.
I am brand new here - I have been married for 18 years - I love my wife - we have 2 wonderful kids but it is very very hard on me, at times, because of my wife and her "conditions". She had been professionally diagnosed as having a General Anxiety Disorder and recently her therapist brought up that she has many ADHD habits as well. I read the NY Times article about this subject and was fascinated by it because there were about SEVEN things in the article that were dead-on for me.