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ADD husband tells me I am just like my mother

When he is feeling angry about something I am saying to him, my ADD husband has said for as long as I have known him that "You are just like your mother!" He says this in a very angry and despising way. After that he tells me to "Shut up!". He does not like my countering him, however I do it.

It gets to me how he brings my mother into it as she has many qualities I don't like and find abnormal and intrusive. Ironically my husband is very like her. But it upsets me to be told I am like her.

Can ADHD cause someone to not know they said something?

My husband today mumbled, "Of course" as he was leaving the room in response to something my daughter said. I told him it was extremely rude and mean to respond that way. He was adamant that he didn't say anything at all. I was dumbfounded. I know what I heard.

He's done this in the past, also mixing up words - saying "left" when he meant "right" and actually saying he HEARD "right" come out of his mouth. If I hadn't had witnesses in some instances, I'd think I was going crazy?

Has anyone else experienced this? I am very concerned he has some serious condition.


What is Going On? I find this almost too much & frightening.

Although I have had many, many miserable years with my ADHD husband ever since I married him, some things have been changing and I am thinking the situation may be getting out of control, especially on his side. This is really getting to me emotionally.

How Do I Make a Request Without it Sounding Like a Criticism?

My wife often takes what I consider to be "simple" requests as criticism.  For example, I am now doing the laundry and I would like to say to her "Honey, would you please do me a favor?  When you take your clothes off at night, would you please turn them right side out?"  I want to ask her this because it would save me time in folding/hanging up clothes, because as it is now - all her clothes are inside out and I have to spend at least 5 minutes or more turning them right side out when I do the laundry. 

Please help

Please, I need help. I feel I am I am finally becoming unable to cope.

 Actually I have often felt despair swamping me over the past 5 years since my husband sent an angry email threatened divorce unless I did certain things he wanted. He ended by telling me that "You are a good lay". That feel upsetting too. But things have always been hard to live with with him. He now curtly refuses to discuss the matter of his marital plans. I try to cope with the uncertainty.
