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Our Hard Work Seems to Be Paying Off

Last night my wife wasn't ready to come up to bed when I went to bed so I kissed her goodnight and said "Please don't stay up all night" and she said "I won't."  She did not come up to bed until the exact time I was going to get up from bed (the alarm had gone off about 15 minutes earlier).  She got into bed.  I cuddled up to her and have her a kiss and asked "Did you get your work done?"  She said she had.  I asked "Did you get any sleep?"  She replied that she had gotten some.  She said, "I should have moved from the love seat to the couch, though."  I asked "How come you didn't come up t

Should I just "Do It All"

We have strange dynamics around household tasks. I'd like opinions on how to get unblocked in this area.

I am physically limited and have a lot of pain on normal activities like walking. My husband has pretty severe inattentive ADD. Soon after we married, he lost his job and didn't work regularly for 3 years. He's working now, at a rather difficult job that he loves. I went back to school while he wasn't working, figuring if I had to support another person the rest of my life, I needed a better job. I lost my job in November.

How "Normal" Is It To Have Intense Fights?

I said to my wife (ADD) the other day, after a particularly horrific fight (at least it was horrific from my perspective) - "I just can't take it anymore.  We can't keep fighting like this."  She replied that all couples fight, that fighting is normal.  I said disagreements are certainly normal, and maybe fighting sometimes is normal, but I didn't think that fights like we have been having, where one or both partners are yelling, cursing, slamming doors, etc.

How Do I Use I Statements to Tell My Wife She is Being Defensive

My wife (ADD) and I (non-ADD) had a really big fight this weekend, and I need some more advice.  In case you haven’t seen my past postings – my wife and I have both been working very hard to express love to the other – me by criticizing less and using words of affirmation and physical touch more, and my wife by giving me more attention without distraction.  And we had just had a pretty good week.  But then:

When you are cycling into overwhelm

I debated where to put this post but ultimately decided that it sort of stands on its own.  We are about 2.5 years into our ADD (Inattentive) diagnosis and approaching 1 year of real work on it (1 year was spent with him grieving/denying while I educated myself, 6 months really getting a handle on tools & waiting on appts and SLOOOW progress to manifest, and now I think we basically know what to do but it is difficult to do except under *ideal* circumstances).  When we are both on top of our game, we meet together regular and iron our the schedules, we each stay on top of what we need t

Is there hope?

We've suspected ADD since October, he was diagnosed (with ADD + depression) in December, started anti-depressants in March and tried an ADD med for a few days this month (made things worse )... We tried marriage counseling but were told that it didn't make a lot of sense until he had worked through some of his "stuff" first. So we're each going in individually.

Coping with new ADHD love when they are the only person you have in your life...

I am 24 years old and have been with the one I love for almost 2 years now.  He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that put me in a wheelchair as a child.  When he and I met things moved fast between us since we were like 2 peas in a pod.  We befriended each other quickly and within a month were dating and living together.  The first 6 months were fantastic!!

Defending Compliments?

Lately I have been trying to compliment and thank my wife more often (and nag and complain less).  Both to help me focus on what I love about her and to help her know what I appreciate about her so she might feel more loved and less criticized.  I have been doing this for a couple of days now and we seem to be in a much more caring place.  My compliments and gratitude are always genuine.
