Recent forum posts (all topics)

I just can't trust my ADD wife of 15 years anymore - is it over for us?

I have been the spouse of just over 15 years to a wife with ADHD.  Like all of the other stories I read, when we dated, all was great.  When we got married it all changed...immediately.  I found out a month after we got married that she had been sleeping with my best friend while we dated and were engaged, and the weeks before we got married, she said she slept with several men to get "it" out of her system.  She had numerous flings during our first 4 years of marriage and now that I look back, I was too young, insecure, and depressed to deal with it.  She promised me (after she was caught


I am not married, but this is the only site where I felt everyone understood what each other was going through. I have been with my partner a mere 7 months. Sounds crazy that I find it diffucult already doesnt it? But, yes. I have. I feel so unloved at times, he is the most confusing person i have ever met. I have spent hours crying at this behaviour.

Trying to keep my marriage

I am a husbant with ADHS and it is driving a wedge between my family and me.  I have just recently found out that I have this.  Now I am taking meds. for this.  However, my wife seems like it is not helping and the communication is just not there for her eather.  She needs to talk at night and I am normaly tired at the end of the day.  She wants me to sit there and look at her for the whole time.  I can not do this with out getting sleepy eyes as she calls it.  I really do not want this to happen and i try hard but when i start to walk and keep myself awake she gets mad.


We've just posted a new forum area to which we hope you will contribute - "What Gives You Hope".  Quite a few people on this site have noticed that a lot of what gets said is negative because people who seek the site out are often really suffering.  Yet people do make real progress in their ADD we wanted people to be able to post about it here.  What has helped you?  What does "progress" look like in your relationship?  What gives you hope?  Your ideas will help many people, so don't be shy!

I think my husband has ADHD but he won't talk about it

My husband and I have been together for 10 years and married for 4.  I am a teacher and have been educated on the aspects of ADHD and have always felt that my husband exhibits all of the signs.  Anytime I try to talk to him he gets very angry and feels that I am only saying these things to hurt his feelings.  I am really worried about him, especially now that we have a 2 month old son.  Our marriage and relationship are greatly suffering because of his condition.  I am desprately seeking advice on how to approach this delicate topic with him so that we can get the help he greatly needs.

help please losing control of my family im failing help

help what do i do when ive done everything possible to help surport my family and failed what todo next

i love my family but they need me where do i  from here.....

please suggest internet sites, suggestions, books,or any thing that i can do because im spiraling ot of control and wheres that leave my family.........................

my family in brief.........husband of 16 yrs adhd/anxiety/minor depression can see worsoning,

what do u do next when u r at your have no more energy left

hi its me again this will be quick but im clinicaly depressed and have no energy left to surport my family (husband adhd and 3 children adhd ) ive surported and done everything in my power for them now im at a wall and everything ive done i feel i failed .

the children do not respect me and they just dont get it i need them now , but i know they cant help it but what do i do to not feel angry towards them when its not their fault ive failed.

Please add RSS Feed for Comments

This may seem way off topic at first, but it is not. I have ADD and is really strains our marriage to say the least. I have committed to trying to read this site every day to keep me reminded of our struggles.

As someone who has ADD, it is hard for me to remember to visit the site when no new stories or posts are showing up in my RSS Reader.

Could you please enable an RSS feed for comments so I can have the latest comments in front of me as well? I am sure it would help me, and possibly others.



I was diagnosed with Adult ADD ten years ago and I have tried so many medications that did not work: Strattera, Adderal XR, Provigil, Vyvanse, Wellbutrin and Adderall.  All are higher doses.  For the past 7 years I have been taking 90mg of Adderall a day.  My doctor told me I could either take 90mg in the morning or 60mg in the morning and 30mg at noon.  The problem I have been having lately is if I take the 90mg at 8am by 11am it wears off and I bounce.  If I do 60 and 30, I can't even tell I've taken the 30mg.  I've asked my doctor over and over if there is something else I can try and he
