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When It Is Probably Time to Say Enough is Enough

Warning: A negative post about ADHD and my hate for it, not my fiance

I officially think I can no longer live with my fiance's ADHD. Even a few weeks ago my best fried, who loves my fiance, made the observation that I never seem happy and that I should consider whether or not I can live with his ADHD.Yesterday I got my answer....

ADHD wife, communication issues

I am a newbie. My wife was diagnosed with ADHD recently and we have been married for less than a year. One of the things that troubles/concerns/frustrates me is that (among other things) she often makes inappropriate comments which many a times sounds awkward and rude. Her comments makes me wonder whether she thinks about what she says. When I ask her about her comments, she says that it is all logical and ok to her and she gives a long winded explanation as to why she is right. Even that sometimes doesn't always makes sense.

I surrender


I have read and learned alot from the post here so here my shot at getting help I hope.  I have been married for 7 years and was diagnosis with ADD 3 years ago, but I am 38 years old and grew up with people calling me lazy and dumb.  So it was a greatt relief to have some reason that caused some of my problems.  But even though I have been doing better since the med's and others in my life see it also, the damage i did to my wife and family may have been to much, because my wife thinks she wants a divorce.

I want out - long post and vent

Hi there,

My name is Cesca and I am brand new today.

My husband and I are both 45 years of age, marrried for almost 8 years  with one son aged 7.

My husband has undiagnosed ADD/ADHD.

The reason I know this is because his actions (or lack of actions)  match exactly so many other posts on this forum.

Our son has just been diagnosed with ADHD. Does my husband care?  Of course not. He is denies that there is anything wrong with our son. He says that I am silly to push for answers when all boys act like our son and he acted just like that at age 7.

Thank You

I hear a small voice inside me accompanied by an almost imperceptible tug at my stomach, that says, “I think you’ve made it, Rita. I think you understand now and are closer to the truth.”


I had expected him to be home by five and it was a little after six in the evening. He was still at work, looking for his glasses.


Overhwhelmed and don't know how to cope

I'm 46, and my boyfriend and I have been together for over six years. He is the most kind, good-hearted, intelligent man -- and he loves me so much, as I do him. We met when he remodeled my house and have been together ever since. As I got into the relationship, I found out that he was somewhat of a hoarder -- seriously, you couldn't walk in his house, it hadn't been cleaned in forever.

Suggestions to stopping a tirade?

My husband (Add) and I (non-add) had a 2 day 'fight' recently where he would not stop arguing/ yelling (including following me around the house and outside) until I admitted that everything that was wrong in our marriage was my fault. My low self-esteem, my parents alcoholism, my affair etc. everything. All were my fault. Yes, the affair was my fault, but that's a different forum all on it's own.  I would say "yes, it's all my fault." but he never believed me because he could read my body language.

Ok lots here for woman with partners and ADD, some on wives, I'm at my wits end yet again with wife and ADD apparantly!!


New here but have been reading lots over a period of time, and elsewhere as well. Seems a lot of good info here so lets see what I get.

I'm not sure how to go about this in a short post, so bear with me and i will do the best I can.
