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She Drives Me Crazy

I love my girlfriend deeply and we have been together for a year and a half. I want to scream at times because she cannot keep her appointments or her conferences straight.

Again, last night, she sprang it on me "Oh, I have a conference in Albuquerque next Wednesday so I will be gone Tues night and be back Wednesday night." Why didn't you tell me this? "Well, they sent me the email but I think I deleted it and didn't remember until they sent me a reminder this week."

Losing it.

I'm 26 and the wife of a loving man who is unbelievably intuitive, smart, creative and has ADHD. He has helped me grow as a person so much but i feel like i cant even begin to help him. I dont understand the way he thinks and regardless of how much i read... how much i try to change my own actions and take over the things that annoy me when he cannot or will not do them... i am now faced with another problem that scares me more.

New here

Hi there.  I wasn't sure where to post an introductory message so I will include it with this post.  My husband has undiagnosed ADD but since both his daughter and son have it (from a previous marriage), and he exhibits plenty of the signs, we just assume he has ADD (we also have a daughter together which I hope she does not end up having ADD as well).  Counselling is not in the budget at this time so we just deal with things as they come along.  For the most part, things are pretty good.  There was a time when I wanted to leave but we worked through that and things have been much better fo

I am so frustrated, please tell me if it will ever get better.

I talked to my husband about add this week.  He agreed.  I have to vent.  I am so frustrated.  So we think he has it, but we don't know where to start and my day was ruined today because of his actions.  He couldn't find his keys yesterday so he took my truck to work... no biggy.  BUT he didn't deposit his check so I am left with no money to go grocery shopping which is what I do on Tuesdays..... he knows this.

Controlling Wife (me) and ADD possible ADHD Husband (undiagnosed) with a 1 year old.....

I am new to the site.  I was watching Dr. Phil last week and it was on ADHD and marriage.  I sat my husband down when he got home and had him watch it.  When the guy was cooking the meal for his wife and he made the comment about the water taking forever to boil...

Mending a Marriage when both husband & wife have ADD


My husband and I have both been diagnosed with ADD in the last few years.  I feel like he does not do his share of household chores.  He doesn't get home until 7:30 or 8:00 at night.  I think he chooses not to come home earlier, because he knows I will have something to complain about.  He will do the evening dishes and feel like he has done his part.  I feel like I am constantly asking him to do certain jobs, but yet he will not do them.
