Having to Prove Yourself - The "Glitch" in the ADHD System
"Question 10 in the #beyourselfatwork survey asks:
How much do you feel you need to prove your competence at work?
"Question 10 in the #beyourselfatwork survey asks:
How much do you feel you need to prove your competence at work?
Even though, I'm not feeling exceptionally generous at the moment, I wanted to share something that I just noticed the other day. I hope, I can convey this in a way that will actually make sense. It actually does make sense to me, but I know, not e everyone thinks like me.
First, I want to say, I'm rather proud of myself for handling a "situation", as well as I did. I thought this was worth sharing, because it seemingly, made no sense what so ever. Even now, it doesn't make any sense but at least, I understand.
What I understand is this. My SO, could not communicate something important to her in terms of a sensory issue she was having. It was a priority to the point, she was experiencing panic over it. I came in, at the ramping up of this panic while I was still at work yesterday....
I'm a wife, going on two years now. Before and after marriage we've had some difficulty with staying focused and attentive during...sometimes intimate moments. Which admittedly lead to feelings of disconnect and sometimes frustration. Thankfully after a LOT of work, we managed to maintain a comfortable and open space to talk about such things. Though it took plenty of trial and effort.
I have a dilemma. I last saw my boyfriend almost a month ago. Last time we were with each other for the weekend. We went to dinner and did fun couples activities the entire weekend. Our weekend went well and we had a lot of fun. We made plans to see again in about two days. I get a text a few days later saying that he is going to self-isolate for some time because he isn't feeling well. His physician is out of town and can't refill his prescription, so he went to a new physician who prescribed something entirely different.
Hello all! I am new to this site and the non-ADHD partner in my relationship. My (recently diagnosed) ADHD partner has a difficult time remembering things I tell him, I think because he is either distracted and not paying attention, or because he is listening on a superficial level and not really making meaning of what I am saying. He often doesn't ask questions even when he isn't fully tracking or would need more details/context to have a perspective. This could be about logistical stuff, but it causes the most problems when I want to share personal stories from my life.
I have cried this weekend about what I perceive is ADHD-tinged relatives doing everything on their terms only.
Then again, I may be steeped into codependency and therefore have an odd sense of how people interact. I’m trying to understand the panic I feel in the face of non-negotiation.
My partner was diagnosed with ADHD in her forties a couple of years ago, she has struggled with this and we split up for some time after her diagnosis due to her headspace and feeling she couldn’t give the time or effort to a relationship. We got back together a year ago and she is now questioning our relationship but acknowledges she doesn’t know why. She loves me but can’t articulate her feelings. She recognizes it’s related to ADHD, but I’m unsure how to support her or help her communicate.
A recent conversation with my SO has got me thinking. We didn't see eye to eye on something that got me wondering why?
When one, or both, of your parents have Narcissist tendencies, a child has little choice but to endure the abuse. You are a victim, in the truest sense of the word.
As an adult, you can always leave your situation. You do not have to stay and tolerate abuse, it is your choice....you are not a victim, in the truest sense of the word.