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There is ADHD....and there is DENIED ADHD

OK I goofed. Typed it in wrong place....don't know how to fix it....never mind. I hate computers....I just wasted 2 hours of my life for a brief post...WTH!

OH MY GOODNESS!!!  I think I fixed it! ......I still hate computers......

Please know I am vocalizing from my OWN experience here with this topic. I have read, studied, explored, sucked in, spit out, changed views, embraced new knowledge and held on to my own sanity(not by by own strength but HIS) through this "maze" of ADHD.

Advice on getting away for a bit

I am reading one of Melissa Orlov's books; I am brand new to this forum and would greatly appreciate any advice you might have for me. My husband (w/ ADHD) and I have been together for a year and a half, but we grew up together, so I've known him most of my life. I am completely in love with him and always have been. He is brilliant, loving, and my best friend. I am a teacher and the sole breadwinner.

Never know if hes going to come home in a good or bad mood.

I'm so tired of the nervousness that I feel before he walks through the door. I can tell in a second what kind of mood he's in. If he walks through the door and says "hi honey" then I know he had a good day. If the first thing he says is "what's up?" then I know he had a crappy day. He came home from work on Thursday and Friday in really good moods. So when he went in on Saturday I was expecting another good mood that night. Nope! Well on Friday evening a large branch broke off of our tree and mostly landed in the neighbor's yard.

Why is every good time ruined by H's attitude??

H complains that I never speak up with things I want to do. Whenever I do, he ends up being in a bad mood because he never REALLY wanted to do them and makes me feel like he's just going to please me. Well, THAT'S why I never ask you to do anything! Even when he offers for us to do something and then 2 days later I ask if we are still doing it and he acts like he never wanted to do it in the first place but now he HAS to do it. I came up with going to a cover band for his birthday back in February.

Need outside perspective, angry, hurt, fed up

I have question, Im 44 wife with add and have had PTSD for three yes, husband is 44 has ADHD, he refuses to negotiate or compromise about anything, he with holds money, we have lost everything, my car was repoed 6 weeks ago, he stated no intentions of plan for me vehicle to drive, we have nine ur old daughter, I caught him with porn on his phone, he still gets defensive if I hold him accountable, he does not ask my input about any decisions he makes and says that in order to repair our marriage , " he needs me to respect him and fu-- him frequently with enthusiasm ".

This struck a resounding chord in my deepest soul

Gosh.  This is a quote from Melissa Orlov, taken from another thread on this forum:

. . . . . . .you are better able to respond to her when she is at her wit's end...but from her perspective, that is likely too little, too late.  No one loves being in a relationship where you get the best from a partner when you've had it.  The road back, in that instance, is long. . . . . . . 

Captain to No Where

I have a story to tell but I'm not sure how to tell it? If I tell it from the ADHD will sound as if I am making myself out to be the hero of my own story and that's not why I sharing my experience. Right now I'm exhausted, frustrated and angry. This is a cry for help and I'm the worst at asking for it. I apologize up front for my inability to do this correctly. Underneath those surface emotions...and I feel deeply hurt and troubled and fair amount of of resentment for so many reasons I don't know where or how to begin.

The Bad Boys (and Girls)

This is not about ADHD or ADD.  But I am trying to figure out what is wrong in my life by journaling here.  Lauren's post made me start thinking about this topic.  

I was attracted to bad boys. A number of them.  They are always "cute" and not boring in some ways, even if it is just their over-confident smiles and flirty ways.  They are fun and impulsive and made us laugh.  Sometimes these bad boys have nice cars and muscles and a devil may care attitude that, to a young woman, seems to be the guy of her dreams.  
