ADHD symptoms in both of us
ADHD in both of us ?
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ADHD in both of us ?
Gosh. This is a quote from Melissa Orlov, taken from another thread on this forum:
. . . . . . .you are better able to respond to her when she is at her wit's end...but from her perspective, that is likely too little, too late. No one loves being in a relationship where you get the best from a partner when you've had it. The road back, in that instance, is long. . . . . . .
I have a story to tell but I'm not sure how to tell it? If I tell it from the ADHD will sound as if I am making myself out to be the hero of my own story and that's not why I sharing my experience. Right now I'm exhausted, frustrated and angry. This is a cry for help and I'm the worst at asking for it. I apologize up front for my inability to do this correctly. Underneath those surface emotions...and I feel deeply hurt and troubled and fair amount of of resentment for so many reasons I don't know where or how to begin.
This is not about ADHD or ADD. But I am trying to figure out what is wrong in my life by journaling here. Lauren's post made me start thinking about this topic.
I was attracted to bad boys. A number of them. They are always "cute" and not boring in some ways, even if it is just their over-confident smiles and flirty ways. They are fun and impulsive and made us laugh. Sometimes these bad boys have nice cars and muscles and a devil may care attitude that, to a young woman, seems to be the guy of her dreams.
I used to post here when I was married to an ADD man. We are thankfully divorced. He still drives me crazy sometimes because we co-parent, but I am getting used to it.
Ideas please on Explosive Belligerent Temper tantrums...
So I just got a phone call from my son's doctor. He had an appointment this evening that we missed. Why, you may ask, did we miss it?? Because DH made the appointment and did not tell me, did not put it on the google family calendar OR on the white board calendar on the kitchen wall so literally NO ONE knew about it but him and HE is out of town. Now, is it the end of the world? No. But for gods sake--we have tools to use WHY WON'T HE USE THEM. The google calendar--what could be easier??? It is accessible by phone and laptop AND tablet.
I am in the midst of a bitter divorce after 7 1/2 years of marriage. We have two young boys, 6 and 7 years old. My estranged wife has a "severe case" of ADD (per her psychiatrist). She filed in August of 2015, and two weeks later had me served with a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) at my office on a Tuesday afternoon that prevented me from going home. I haven't been home since. There has never been any domestic violence, but verbal arguments became common in the months before she filed.
Hi - I've been incredibly stressed to the point that I have hives and my hair is falling out.
My husband has always had some really odd behaviors (as does his mom).