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United States, Ohio

I have been part of this forum for five  years and three months.  

I am curious how far reaching does this forum forum go?  No addresses, no cities, please.  Anonymity is important.

ADHD is still a fairly unspoken issue in my area.  It is very sad.  2016 and  our area is behind times.  I am met with denial of its existence, feeling others look at ADHD as a contagious disease, or something to which you should be ashamed.   Our state has only 2 chapters of CHADD - in Cincinnati and Columbus.  More than 5 hours away.  


Lack of compliments and attention- nothing to do with us

No anger here just making an observation. I can get dolled up and get so many compliments from everyone, even other men, married and single, yet my husband says nothing. BUT, he can tell another woman that their hair looks nice or he loves their dress. It's so interesting to observe.


I'm not diagnosed but I'm 99% sure I'm ADD. Getting married and having kids(especially now that they are older) has only made my symptoms more apparent. My husband was diagnosed with ADHD in 2007. He has been taking Adderall ever since. I've blamed so many of our family problems on my spouse and my kids(thinking my son has ADHD..) trying to fix everyone. Anyway.. I'm constantly riddled with anxiety, my kids don't listen to me or my husband.. He's more authoritarian and I'm more permissive... Neither one of us are consistent with parenting..

Alternative Treatments

I've been going back and forth as to whether or not I should write about this. I was hoping others would have written on this forum from this course, so I wasn't the only one, but obviously ultimately decided I would share. I'm sure I'll get some heat as this is considered a controversial topic, but since it was brought up a few times during the course, maybe this will help someone since I consider DH a success story with alternative treatments.

Just Crushed

Not sure where to start - I will have been married for 24 years this year and feel like my eyes have been opened and that my marriage has been a lie, nothing. I have poured everything I can into this and have nothing left - I am crushed and exhausted. 2 weeks ago he came home and said I think I have ADD - and after looking at the signs and googling he seems to tick virtually every box - I feel like the bottom has fallen out of my world.

The Intentional Relationship and Mastering ADHD

In learning how to do my job and becoming a goldsmith and diamond setter....I was fortunate to have a real Master of the craft as my instructor and teacher.  This gentleman who taught me  had already retired (70's at the time) and was bored and wanted to return to what he did best which was being a Master Craftsman in the field. He was born and raised in France and later in Morocco Northern Africa.  His real name was Francois Pickman (deceased) but translated...

ADHD Wife has not talked in 2 months...Part 2

Delphine & J,

I'm going t work on remaining silent fr a while when we are together and see f this helps. I feel my wife is full of anxiety and frustration  and her emotions are at a peak. I see now that when this happens escalation is extremely high. Thus, the walking on eggshells, this is my warning to remain still and silent. 

J- when you're feeling emotional and near anger, can you talk it down or do you need an outlet to let it out? 

New self diagnosed adhd a marriage issues

I am currently reading Melissa Orlov's book and it is scary how everything matches my marital life.  I am finally understanding what my wife has been going through and it hurts me.  I don't realize what my actions are doing to her.  The book  is like a slap in the face.  I have tried to share this with my wife and tell her that she has not been dealing with me the right way.  The blaming and parent child relationship.  She did not deal with this well and still argues that I need to change.  I do, but I feel she is making it more difficult with her responses.

Stopping the "ghosting"

"Ghosting" is a term that means ending contact or shutting down communication. It is happening to one of our newer forum visitors, from his spouse. I think he has received some useful information about how and why the ghosting started but very little about ending the ghosting or about how to decide whether being in a relationship with someone who won't talk to him is sustainable. Any tips?
