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The Feeling "Small" Dilema Having ADHD

This concept was brought up in Melissa's seminar course that my wife and I recently took. The second she mentioned it in the course....I knew exactly what she was talking about. The weird thing about this's not a "feeling" of being devalued or "small" in terms of how you think about yourself. It's more in terms of physical "space" or personal "space" that you inhabit and not "small" as in feeling worthless in that respect. It has more of a feeling like the walls are closing in around you and your "world" is getting smaller not you in that respect.

Narcissism? Confusion. Guilt. Scapegoating.


I have posted in the past trying to find a place to make sense of what is happening in my life and my marriage.  Although I've continued using this site as a place to read and reflect, I haven't posted in some time.  My husband and I have since seen a therapist and honestly things have gotten worse.  He finally took the suggestion of the therapist and began taking Straterra.  It was a bust.  The raging, ranting, and blaming went through the roof for about a month.  I thought it was bad before, but it was pure torture.

Who strengthens me

The thing I learned most in my long life is this:

You ARE the company you keep.  

This is the notion I will drum into my children and grandchildren (and also myself): If you spend most of your time with people who exude integrity, joy, honesty, work ethic, faith and soul, you will assume the language and habits of these qualities yourself.  If you spend most of your time with lazy, lying, irresponsible people you will adopt the language and habits of those qualities yourself.  

Is this from ADHD? It doesn't matter

A few days ago, my husband actually answered the phone. We talked about the divorce forms, which he might or might not sign and submit. (He said he would, but follow through is an issue; yes, that's from ADHD.) I'm not holding my breath. What took my breath away and left me in tears for much of the day was his tone of bewilderment when I said that my life is crushed. He said, "Why?" I tried to explain: the destruction of our marriage, which I tried so hard to save; and then when I finally decided to pull the plug, his efforts to obstruct the process.

How did H NOT think I would find out this was a blatant lie??!!

Oh the fun the past few days have been. Tuesday I get a call on my work phone that says "restricted" so I didn't answer it. No message was left so I figured it was a wrong number. About 30 minutes later my manager comes down with a note saying that this person couldn't get in contact with me so he talked to her and asked if I worked there and gave her his number a case number and wanted to know when they could schedule a time to drop off court papers. My heart started racing as I had no idea what this was about and now my manager knows about it.

Denial from my adhd ex-wife

My ex-wife showed almost everyone of the classic Adhd symptoms in adult women. Always misplacing things, house a mess, clothes in piles, money randomly placed around house, empty cigarette cartons in different of clothes drawers,curling irons left on consistantly. I could go on & on regarding her symptoms. After doing lots of research on this subject, i finally realized what our issues were caused from in our marriage of 8 years. We were madly in love the first couple of years. Then after having 2 children starting 1 year after our marriage things started to change.

Thriving Couples???


I am new to this website and keep seeing Melissa Orlov state the following: "couples that are well educated about how to manage the impact of ADHD can thrive together"  However, everything I am reading is to the contrary and doesn't give me much hope, Where are the testimonials from all of the "thriving couples"???

Nearly 29 and still a Violent 5yr old

Lastnight my ADHD husband tried to pick a fight with me in the store. He was tired from working long hours and was clearly a grumpy child in need of a nap. He's also as violent as a 5yr old, mind you. He'll punch walls, swear enough to make a sailor blush, swing his arms wildly, and give people death stares when HE hits THEM. Not to mention try to pick fights. He started to pick one with ME last night, by claiming that I was looking at the space between his eyes? He looked like he was about to raise his fist and sock me one.
