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Getting ready for guests

Easter Sunday we will have 20 people here. We have a big house.  H's "areas" that I try to let him have to his content are "hoarding rooms" and are dirty including his office, his bathroom and his rec room.  (He also has the garage and sheds and rented storage buildings where he pays for his rusty dirty "valuables" to be stored until he can "sell" it all at a profit. When our extended family comes to visit I used to clean the entire house including organizing in piles and washing all his areas.

My ADHD story; Thank you Melissa Orlov for setting me straight!

Hello to everyone and I admit that I’ve been a lurker on this site for about a month. And I've really been inspired enough to finally post. Where to begin?? Wow, what a question. There are so many places I can start and I could literally write a book (and won’t), but I will begin that I’ve been married now for twenty years and have two kids that are the back half of them leaving the nest. We are of Christian faith and I’ve been fortunate that my job is in sales and I’ve been able to use my creativity to hold my job for over 15 years – but I know now that I can be so much better!

How to bring up ADHD with my love

I have been seeing a wonderful man for nearly 2 years. He is 35; I'm much older. I love him very much and (as much as anyone can know another's heart and mind) truly believe the feeling is mutual. I have seen many signs that point to adult ADHD and these have accumulated to the point where I feel I need to bring up the topic of ADHD with him and ask whether he thinks this may be the cause of some of our relationship issues and his life challenges generally.

Should I talk to husband about his deteriorating relationships?

I will keep this simple. My husband does not keep in touch with his younger brother who has a son born 2001. He has only hung out with the kid three times and is NOT close to him at all. He has stopped talking to his best friend since last year, when I left my H for a month and his best friend sided with me since he knows my H. Last year, my husband mentioned that he feels he is a bad brother. He wanted to write this wordy email to him and I told him that he could do that but actions will make him a better brother. Calling, texting, keeping in touch. Well that was last year.

Vyvanse worsening symptoms?

My husband was diagnosed in 2009 at age 35. It explained a lot at the time and he started on medication and therapy.

It has been a struggle for him since and on our marriage. I don't know the details of which medications were tried and what dose as I have not gotten involved in his treatment. However, i have noticed a significant change in his behavior over the last year, maybe year and a half. I now know he is on Vyvanse but don't know when he started (i think about that timeframe) or the dose (I know it has been increasing). I know he is also on an anti-depressant.

Initiated In-House Separation today... scared

I don't know if it will stick, but I am so scared and devastated. I tried for so long to work with him on everything. But the broken promises and lack of empathy are just too much. I'm only now realizing how deep the selfishness runs. I have literally no one to talk to. There's too much I could say about this, and not enough energy to type it out. I feel blasted on the inside. I'm scared for what's to come, and how it will effect our children. I'm very raw right now. 11 years of trying for nothing.

Naive and Married

I met my husband mid-2012, we dated aggressively for several months- his best friend and his best friend's fiance said we were perfect together and pressured him to ask me to be his girlfriend. During this time while we were not official he was also talking/flirting/hanging out with other women. He was not ready to settle for anything and the more I wanted him to commit to me the less he would try. So I let him go, hurt, and went on my way for a bit.

What to Do When Non-ADHD Spouse Says They Don't Love You Anymore

Well my subject pretty much says it all. . . .. I'm the ADHD one and have been married almost 18 years, most of it in a roller coaster marriage.  There’s lots of backstory that can probably be said later on, but the short version is that I’ve been told that I’ve sucked the life so much out of our relationship that she no longer loves me.  This came after the best 2 months in our marriage, so it really hurts a lot. 

i have ADHD now my wife has diagnosis bipolar & borderline

so im erly 40 and was diagnosed 2 years ago with ADHD ive been with the wife 10 years and weve had ups and downs and 3 children in the last 3 years it seems we only argue and when we talk the other just dosent understand todayshe got her diagnosis bipolar typ 2 and borderline we cant talk but we need to this evenin i wrote a letter to her so she can read it without interupting what im saying im hoping she will wreit back we had so mutch in common and i know she feels alone but i am in a foren country with no suport exept for her myself i was hospitalized for stomach ulsers 2 weeks ago that
