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How to tell the difference between ADHD and selfishness, neglect, and verbal abuse

I have been married to my partner for about 10 years. When we started dating, he was the only guy I felt stood by me while I dealt with my own childhood issues in therapy. I never felt less than because of him. About 14 years onward I find that what I first saw as acceptance was really a failure to truly understand me at all. My partner will occasionally ask me about my day, but he never comments on anything other than to say "OK" or "I'm sorry" if it was bad.

Impact of Impulsivity


New to this forum. Married for 25 years and am now reaching the end of my tether. Over the years alcohol, over the counter meds, caffeine, nicotine, prostitutes, online porn, sexting sites, snorting adhd get the picture. Can't forget lost jobs, suicidal threats etc. This all from a well meaning, generous and warm hearted man. I am tired. Tired of the tears over the years. Tired of waiting for the sky to fall around our family. Tired of being the "responsible" adult in this relationship.

Its like two different realities.

My spouse seems to hae two different realities. The first is the one he lives in when everything is calm and he can genuinely see how other people are helping him, and he pitches in to help other people. He was recently diagnosed with very high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, and he told me how happy and grateful he was for the whole family changing our diets (we dont need junk food anyway. Its good for all of us and ive already lost 9 lbs! Yay!) and for being supportive but not making a Huge Stinkin' Deal about his conditions.

Mess is messing with my productivity

How do you all cope with the Mess - the unfinished 'projects' laying around the entire house - the clutter, my dear god, the clutter!!!

I've been reading through the forums a lot these past few days and I'm just trying to see how I can possibly move forward and make some sort of progress with the state of our house.

I have ADD and so does my spouse, Help!

I've been married almost 10 years and when my husband and I were dating he made sure to inform me that he had ADD and the things he struggled with.  We researched things together and did a lot of reading.  My husband is very, very responsible, has been working the same job 26 years but struggles with OCD, dyslexia and has a lot of angry outbursts.  I was diagnosed with ADD only a few years ago (explains a lifetime of things....) I have suffered from mild depression ever since I can remember so I can easily fall into being lethargic.  I am very forgetful and mostly laid back (sometimes too m

feeling lost

My partner and I have been together for 41/2 years i love him dearly and know we are good and strong together. My partner suffers with depression and adhd. I'm a nurse with back ground in working with children with disabilities so have always felt that i do have more understanding of adhd. So far this has been helpful in developing a way of living each day for both of us.

Always being so negative

Hi everyone, (Sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my native language) 

 So my girlfriend has ADHD and we've been together for around 9 months now. Altough I am happy with her, there are a few things which really bother me and I'm not sure if it's her ADHD, or the way she is. 


Something that happened today is a good example of a thing that's really annoying me:

What Else Can I Do?

Question? What else can I do to break the "mothering" trap?

Right now, I don't pick up his clothes on the floor, I don't carry his dishes to the dishwasher, I am not putting his clothes in the hamper so they aren't getting washed by me because they aren't in the proper place and I am not mentioning it. I am not reminding him to do anything. Just flat out not mentioning it.

What else should I be doing?

The dominant position in a parent-child dynamic

I was reading an article on Yahoo Health, with quotes from Melissa Orlov.    I have read this information before, heard this before, and in my experience have been trying to align it with my marriage.

"One of the most common patterns in an ADHD relationship is that one partner does a disproportionate amount of work in the household, because it’s equally difficult for people with the disorder to initiate tasks and to complete them. One partner is always nagging; the other is always defensive.'
