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Denial....Why Won't They Admit Something is Wrong?

(NOTE:  the original post included wholesale copying of another site's material.  We have erased that, and left the link to the original.)

I ran across this article and thought it did a really good job of answering one of those questions that keeps being asked here on this forum........why?

by Allan N. Schwartz, PhD


ADHD and/or BPD

Hi, I'm new here and would like some input if available. Reading over the material here it seems that my wife has a high likelihood of having ADHD. She fits the descriptions perfectly and has a daughter who was diagnosed as ADHD. Her behaviors also match very good when I do the similar comparisons with borderline personality disorder. This is all well and fine, but I am not a doctor so it really matters little what I diagnose. The main driver of her BPD-like symptoms, in addition of her fears of abandonment, is that she cannot appear as vulnerable in any way.

So very frightened.. (LONG post)

Hello everyone. I can't believe that I have to write this, but I am a thirty-one-year-old female who is disabled, unable to drive or work, and I am basically homebound most of the time. I have no friends to speak of in real life. For the past four years now, I've found myself living nearly three hundred miles away from home with a man who is quite literally the most abusive person I have ever known. 

How to break the parent/child relationship?

I am the non-ADHD spouse.  My husband was diagnosed about 2 years ago.  We have been together for 13 years.  We are the classic couple where opposites attract - I'm more organized, a planner by nature, etc.  This meant it was easy to fall into the parent/child rolls and looking back I think it was that way from the time we were dating.  It seems to have gotten worse over time and I am at the point where I feel like I am being taken advantage of.  I feel like I'm the only adult, the only one who has any real responsibility.

New Year's resolution's...

How many out there have made internal resolutions, that pertain to having a "Better Marriage relationship"? LOL, So I bet I'm not the only one:) Let me ask another question here...How many of you say to yourselves after some little mole hill turns into a full blown mountain of an issue; Why didn't I keep my mouth shut; I know the mind I'm dealing with can not calmly reason, can not keep from interrupting! Why! do keep on hoping! LOL...LOL...Am I the only one?

Unsafe Hoarding conditions


I used to post here all the time but I eventually left my ADD husband and stopped posting. I left 3 years ago, and we've been divorced for 2 years. I realized there was no way I could live with him. He cut off all communication with me and his family made it clear they didn't want to hear from me any more, and I accepted that. I moved to a town 90 miles away to live with my daughter, got a job and, eventually, my own place.

She left after 31 years of marriage

It has been a wonderful 31 years of marriage, which is why this is made so hard.  Three days before Christmas my wife of 31 years decided to leave me and our 4 dogs after saying we argued all the time.   This was only true that on every weekend, she was able to get in one good day and the second day she descended into a total disconnect.  At times I felt like I was raising a one of my kids again.  Who ever heard of temper tantrums at 65 years old, but I was really shocked to see one.  I have tried to tell her how much I love her and how can we find a way to get past what I perceived as anot
