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Going through divorce with a spouse who's ghosting me

I filed for divorce in December. My husband's communication style (rarely calling or emailing, rarely responding to messages) while at his parents' home, being their caregiver, was a big, although not the only, factor leading me to decide to file for divorce. His withdrawal, emotionally, physically, and financially, from the marriage is the prime cause. Since the filing, the communication has become even less existent; he responded to one message, about a malfunctioning appliance, and that is it.

"Safeguarding"....An Intersesting Pyschology on Motivation


As I was reading up on this concept of "Safeguarding" immediately resonated with me. Not to assume that everyone will have this same experience.... but for those who don't....I think there is a direct relationship to this in terms of "physiological motivation"....which helps explain the "why" in peoples behavior and the motivation behind it.

Newly diagnosed communication problems

I have some questions. I'm 24, and was just diagnosed with ADHD. I know that therapy takes time, and I'm working on it, but I had a few questions/was looking for some advice. For as long as I can remember, I have lied when I either forgot something or when I was asked about an impulsive action. I don't mean to, but I think that the constant shame I feel over constantly feeling like a disappointment to my family and my fiancee is the root cause of it. I've felt that way for as long as I can remember, and now I have a problem with impulsively lying.


How do you heal a marriage? how do you explain you don't mean for your ADHD to hurt them? Especially when you didn't even know you had ADHD. My husband perceived my actions as rejection but that was never my intent.

Proving a Negative, Russel's Teapot and The Kobayashi Maru

I moved this topic that evolved from a different thread to address what I realized is directly related to my anger and why I experience it. It is, at the source....out of frustration at the core....but it's a frustration that never gets resolved and therefore....will fester into anger. I think the experience of having ADHD that is frustrating in itself let alone any added frustration. At times this can be overwhelming and it can all come crashing down on you when you lose your ability to tolerate IT anymore. What is IT?   Read further....

Proving a Negative ie: Russel's Teapot
