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I had the best dream.

Last night I dreamed that two people that my DH actually respects and listens to sat him down and told him to get off his a** and get a job, that sitting around the house collecting action figures and dreaming up the next big thing was completely inappropriate, and that it was extremely unfair that he was putting all the burden of supporting the house completely on his wife for the last 5 years. That he needed to stop shopping all the time, stop feeling sorry for himself. He shook both their hands and said "you're right" and they all went out to make a plan.


My friend asked me if my boyfriend meets my needs, no I said, none of them. I now look at how far over the other side of the line I have allowed myself to be pulled and how much I do for him. I now resent doing anything for him and if I have to do anything because I don't want to live in a messy house for example, I feel extremely angry. Then I feel depressed because he just sits there looking lost and I know how my anger has just affected him, but I cannot go on like this, I feel totally trapped and honestly thought it would be better if I wasn't here anymore.

please tell me that i can be ok

I don't want to leave my ADHD husband, but after nearly 20 years of being married, I am so tired. I'm so lonely, and I feel too old for not yet 40. I don't dream any more, or plan, because I know that even though it's not his fault, nothing we plan will ever come true. I'm so tired of the shame, of our overgrown yard, our disastrous finances, every day that passes with nothing to show except the same old arguments and his promises that he's heard me when I know in my heart, he can't change.

Can't watch sports with H....He gets too mad.

Another football season has begun, and another few months of weekend hell.   This early afternoon we were at a group function and someone had a football game on.  The teams weren't even any of H's favorite teams....He has one big favorite and a few other favorites.   He started screaming at some of the penalty calls, the bad throws, you name it.   Then later this afternoon, one of his favorite teams was playing and it was actually scary to be around him.  He threw the remote in anger .



I am starting to believe that I maybe adhd/add....I have recently started living with my partner who ls adhd. The more I read about it, it feels like I'm reading about myself. But I'm interested to know how paranoia fits into the diagnosis. I have occasional boughts of extreme paranoia....i can be in top form, and word, a look, or even a movement can start me think the worst - that she is having an affair, and it's impossible to shake off...for the record I'm not the jealous type normally....but this paranoia is horrible....

New here and ready to bail after 4 year marriage............

I admit, if I had known anything at all about adult ADHD in my husband, prior to marrying him I would have researched and known what I was in for, and surely headed for the hills!

But I didn't. I had no idea that my dh had been diagnosed as a child, and has lived his entire adult life not even acknowledging he still has it, and didn't tell me anything. I was so unfamiliar with ADHD, except that children are diagnosed for this or ADD, thought they outgrew it.

What do you WANT?

I ask myself,  "What do you want?"  I can never put my finger on this question to myself - of what do I want for myself.  I realize that I have not "wanted" for decades.  OR better said, I WANTED my family to feel taken care of and to have a nice home and a loving family.  THAT is what I wanted.  I worked like crazy and sacrificed gladly.  I was empathic and saw my role in life as someone who supported my husband and 2 sons to achieve in what THEY wanted for themselves.  I supported my husband even more than my sons toward what HE wanted and with what HE could handle.
