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We seem to be having a break through...

I've made it a goal of mine the past several months to be much more self-aware when it comes to engaging my wife with any kind of expectation. I'm not saying I don't have them, but, I'm making an effort to not attach any negative emotion to them and when I share my feelings, I'm trying to do it in calm tones ONCE:) and only when I have her attention, and only when she is calm and listening....It has been very fruitful for our communications, which has always been very limited at best....

Can I fall in love with him again?

Hubby was diagnosed a year or so ago and pursuing medication but it's not going well.  I haven't seen any improvement in him at all since we have learned of his disorder and began seeking treatment and counseling.  He is seeing a therapist and so am I.  We have been together 22 years.  About 10 years ago, I told him that whatever the hell was wrong with him was slowly but surely erooding my love and respect for him.  I feel that's where I am at.  I feel no romantic love for him at all.  I have no respect for him at all.  His shortcomings in taking care of things as well as his social anxiet

Longish Rant from former lurker spouse

Wow, I think I just threw my DH out of the apartment. Now, I'm not quite sure what to do.

He probably thinks I threw I threw him out for forgetting to look at the calendar, or forgetting a date that's important to me AGAIN, but that not really the reason.

Here's the thing, there are 8 days a year that are important to me, That I'd love him to remember, That I don't even have to write on the Calendar because they are already ON the calendar !

Beautiful song to describe us....ADHD (and other things) anthem

We truly have sacraficed a lot for their sanity and rescued them. You must listen to this song on You Tube. 

Shooting Star by Harry Chapin

He was crazy of course
From the first she must have known it
But still she went on with him
And she never once had shown it

And she took him off the streets
And she dried his tears of grievin'
She listened to his visions
She believed in his believin'

What would you do? Help for ADHD husband

My husband has ADHD and anxiety and depression.  He chose to become his elderly parents' full-time, 24/7 caregiver a few years ago.  Bad idea.  The depression has gotten worse.  I'm concerned about him.  He's resistant to getting help.  Last night, I looked up mental health clinics in the town where he lives with his parents (150 miles from our home, his old therapist, etc.).  This morning, I called him and said that I am strongly encouraging him to get mental health treatment and that I would be mailing him information.

Nothing is ever finished

There's a lot of back story here, but this weekend I took the kids to my friends house 8 hours away so that my husband could finish some projects left over from a disastrous professional remodel that was left unfinished 3 years and $80,000 ago. He had 4 days to paint the kitchen and some trimwork, build a railing for the back porch, and scrub and seal the kitchen floor. That was all I was expecting him to do, but we discussed a few other small things he could do.

Yep....all of the above and below.

I found this site earlier tonight via Google searches. Searches like "husband is never wrong" "husband won't accept an opposing opinion because he's never wrong" "husband insists everyone is against him",  including wife and father in law who would never interfere unless it was a last resort and  oh the search list could go on and on.

Best Book for 22 Year Old Women

My wife and I are reading The ADHD Effect on Marriage and Sari Solden's Women with Attention Deficit Disorder. My 22 year old daughter tested positive for ADHD in high school and did a brief stint with Aderall. She's struggling now to get thru college (still hasn't finished her Sophomore year) and keep a job. Is there a better book out there than Women with ADD for my daughter who currently isn't focusing at all on her ADHD? If Sari's book is the best then we'll go with it, but I fear she may never get thru it due to the length. Thanks for any feedback!
