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The True Cost Adults With ADHD Pay

I'm not talking about $$$.

I'll start with TIME ....being diagnosed a few months ago and being 45.Yes very late in life, which I believe I can write about the cost of having ADHD as an adult.  I have spent alot of time reading and asking many questions about my disorder. Which has also made me think of all the wasted time in my life. The countless missed opportunities I could have capitalized on if I were more attentive especially to the ones I hold close to own lil family.

I will never get that back ....ever. 

Woman with ADD and husband wants divorce

Hello Everyone. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 14 years old (currently I am 28). I stopped medication when I was 22 years old. I was doing well in college and had good friendships. However my grades were better in my junior and senior years of college and graduate school. Now I realize I was doing well because those with ADD can concentrate well on things they find interesting. So these classes i was in were directly related to my desired job one day. I had even thought that I may had been diagnosed at age 14 as there was alot of instability in my home life at the time.

New member


Okay, so I really don't have time to be on the internet right now (because the world would stop breathing if I forgot to remind it to), and nothing upsets me more than people who spend hours on the internet when they have plenty of grownup things to do (okay, maybe a few things upset me more, but that's up there).  I have never felt such a pull to join an online community before, though, so I'd like to offer a big hello.  I just read ADHD and Marriage last night...

Road blocked

We've known about the ADHD for several months now.  His biggest attempt in the matter is to "try harder" "do better" and "not treat me this way".  But as a result, we wrap around to the same issues, the same destructive patterns and the same hurt and painful feelings.  How much longer do I hold on?  What options do I have?  We are in the midst of rock bottom once again.  I am raw with hurt and pain from neglect, abandonment, broken promises and being taken for granted moment after moment that I can see leaving as the only alternative.  I do see the pain in his eyes.

Denial..."I'm OK...There's Nothing Wrong With Me"

I'm taking some time off from the forum to tend to other things for a while.  My wife and I have reached a point where we are now communicating well including )but certainly not limited too) topics involving areas where we run into conflicts.  This is in a large part due to me learning more about denial and other defense mechanisms and how it effects not only communicating with another person but memory itself.  This is NOT exclusive to ADHD by the way...but I think for a person who falls into the category of being so much in denial that these defenses and means for self protection ( of the

Young Marriage suffering from ADHD and General Anxiety Disorder

I have ADHD and General Anxiety Disorder. I have had to learn so much about these disorders just recently as no one properly educated me nor did I receive counseling for these when entering high school. Only now ten years after high school do I feel fully informed. Thank you to Melissa Orlov books as well as other materials I have studied. Unfortunately, I went off medication because I was doing so well in graduate school, so thought I did not need meds anymore for ADHD.

Am I wrong for leaving when H begins a tantrum or drama-fest?

When H starts a tantrum or drama-fest, my solution is to grab my purse and leave.  If I don't leave, the anger towards me escalates, even though I'm often not the reason for his anger, but I'm "there" so I become the target.


Yesterday, H had a series of annoying things go on:


1)  had to drive 300 miles round trip to see his doctor.


Groundhog Day...will he lose his job again?

Groundhog Day...that is ADHD for me and my H. Once again, the man he works for is jealous of his charisma and popularity and his "boss" feels threatened. This has happened before in ALL types of jobs. I can see him losing his job once again. It's such a pattern that I won't be shocked. I know this time around that I must continue to move forward with the goals I have set in place for myself and draw on my new found strength. I can't be weak or pity myself since he will be doing all of that for himself.
