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I'm not a burden

Just need to vent, caveat, I love my spouse very much and would kill the devil for her but she has a tendency to drive me insane sometimes. I am the one with ADHD, and I understand how difficult it is to live with someone with ADHD, I am not an easy person to live with all the time and I tell her this, and thank her for all she does for me, but I forget something after n number of reminders, all hell breaks loose.

Emotional Lability and Communicating

I ran across an article of this topic which is one I am still learning more about.  The one thing that I do know for sure is that this is one of those things that is hard not to notice sometimes especially with anger.  That seems to be the problematic one that everyone can see including us (ADHD'ers) when that happens.  But as I have now come to understand better....this is directly related to executive functioning and the ability to control your emotions.  As it is stated very well in this article...the emotional responses may be appropriate to the situation....but the response or how they

Pompous and arrogant or just confident?

Pompous and arrogant or just confident? So months ago I saw that one of my fave singers would be in town. I splurged on tickets and invited my husband since, after all, we are married. I would have loved to take my girlfriend or sister. I wondered what the "date" would be like, if he would be irritable and ruin it all. Well, the day came, yesterday and I had all planned, printed out directions and picked a great place to eat. First thing he asked is how do we get there. He got irritable when I had directions he was unfamiliar with. I thought, here it goes.

Overcoming denial

An amazing thing happened over dinner a couple of nights ago. J Jamieson had been talking recently about denial - and how tricky or impossible it is to get into some topics when denial is at play. He had suggested going through the back door so that the denial is not openly confronted - allowing your partner to feel safe and not attacked. I couldn't tangibly get the concept but it has stuck in my mind. So back to dinner.

Victim Mentality....the Real Enemy, Not ADHD

I've done a little research about this topic and revisited it again wondering what the differences are to victim mentality and Narcissism or the like in disorders.  It does appear that there is an overlapp in some ways but a true Narcissist it seems will use victim mentality as a tool or weapon in their arsonal to use as needed just to get his/her needs met.  In's a distorted version of victim mentality so you can say that you can have one without the other but.... you can have Narcissism without victim mentality if that makes sense.

Brotherly love instead of romantic love...

This is what I am struggling with now. It's sad and it's something I can't control. It is a reaction to his lack of effort. Good guy, big heart but does not emotionally fill my needs and it seems that he doesn't have any emotional needs for ME to fill which makes me realize that all these years, I have worked so hard for something that wasn't going to make a dent anyway. He is a robot, sorta speak. He has physical needs though, and I still have to fulfill those. He pays attention when he needs that but the feeling isn't one of romance just one of duty. This was coming down the pike.

ADHD? I've never had someone think so little of me, yet says he loves me sooo much

I'm tired. My husband joked a few years back that he might have ADHD. Reading these posts, Has me thinking it might be true. He always has to be the 'victim'. Me asking him to do something, oh let's say, like watch how much he drinks so he won't fall, just turns into an argument. He's full of excuses! He always turns the argument around to make me the focus. He adds multiple topics and we never get anything resolved. He's said multiple times to me 'I thought I told you'. His latest...he said I said to him on Satuday, 2 different times that 'I don't give a F about him'.

Wife w/ adhd. empty hopelessness...avoidance?

Hi all, I've been married to my wife (with adhd) for 10 years. Things went downhill after a year or so, and became chaotic hell when we had our son. Her pills would be left on the carpet with the baby crawling around, and several neglectful other things that made me question her and my own sanity. We'd fight viciously. A few improvements have been made since then in our relationship (picking battles more wisely, incorporating recreation activities, respecting space more, knowledge of adhd's role) but we're far from where we could be.
