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my first relationship is with an angry adhd sufferer

Hi, I know this site is about adhd and marriage but I couldn't find anything else. I have been with my boyfriend for over a year now and we have talked about marriage, kids and living together. But he gets so angry and it worries me alot. He's agitated in the mornings so I don't know what to expect or say to him. He can be angry on the phone at night and have a go at me, saying I won't have a good career and that everything including my family is stupid and he wants nothing to do with it. He has a go at me if something goes wrong. He calls me a liar sometimes. He always has right.

what if I'm the one who doesn't fit??

The longer I am in this marriage with an ADHD person and raising an ADHD son, the more I think it's me that is the problem.  I am only half kidding.  My son is going to be 16 in May and he is basically a great kid--has a job, clean cut, swim team and water polo, grades--up and down.  Here's what I don't get--he makes so many odd assumptions and then gets mad at me when I don't get on board.  For example, he currently has mostly Cs in high school.  He doesn't try very hard, isn't fussed if things are late, satisfied with mediocre and yet--wants to go to UCLA.

Difficult time in my marriage to ADD hubby with ADD kids

Hi all,

I'm new here. Hoping for some help, insight, support. My husband of 12+ years was diagnosed last year We also have two children who are diagnosed. I have always loved him. I thought we had a happy marriage. But apparently he hid a lot of things from me.

Suggestions for Time-Tracking Apps?



I am tired of time always getting away from me. I can start a task that I think will take 10 minutes, and before I know it two hours have passed! I have been searching for an app that will make my phone alert me to the passage of time, preferably without any input from me. I was thinking of something along the lines of an alert every hour, like an old fashioned clock would do. I have found plenty of apps for alerting me to deadlines, and some that I can program to start a timer when I start a task, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. Suggestions?

And so it continues to get worse

After being diagnosed in January 2009, starting therapy and meds while unemployed and getting a new job that year, DH is unemployed again since December. Although is ADHD is not in control, this job loss is not totally his fault. Change of leadership, wanting to cut at the top to save money, finding nits to get people to quit. DH asked for accommodations, they wouldn't and blamed him, he was advised by his lawyer to quit and file a complaint with Human Rights. That's underway.

He was diagnosed last week with depression.

Is ADHD primarily in caucasions? or doesn't it matter?

I was just wondering if ADHD is a condition that is primarily in caucasions, or if it nondiscriminatory when it comes to race, gender etc?  There does seem to be a large majority of caucasion people with ADHD, but was just wondering if there are any statistics on this? Does anyone know? Melissa?

Blamming the ADHD

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year now. He has inattentive ADHD and has a history of verbally abusive relationships. I myself have OCD and have a history of physically abusive relationships. We are a very loving couple and can typically very understanding of each other. Unfortunately, when situations get stressed, that sometimes is not the case. Very often in arguments, I get the same response: “I’m sorry but that’s just how I think/am.

Am I Crazy??

Hello, I am new here and am glad that I found this forum.  How do you handle disagreements with someone with ADHD?  My H is ADHD and I am at the point, after 5-years, of avoiding all disagreements with him because some how they always get turned around to how I am the overly sensitive unrealistic person in the relationship as I sit there in tears after being told to go F*** off.  Of course I'm going to be sensitive to being told that by someone who says that they love me and whom I deeply love.  Sometimes I feel as though maybe I AM the crazy sensitive one who is too easily hurt.  But when
