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H couldn't remember what I told him 24 hours prior!

Sigh. I knew he was going to forget too. I told H Monday evening that my department get together was Tuesday after work. I purposely told him when I had his full attention and he wasn't watching tv or surfing the internet. He said "Oh that sounds like fun. I'll just work late tomorrow then." Well I checked his clock out time online and he didn't work any later than usual. I sent him a text at 4:30 saying "I'm off for wine and apps. See you in a few hours".

No such thing as Adult Diagnosis?

after years of therapy, and 22 years of bullying and the roller coaster that I've come to learn is ADD without the Hyperactivity component, I convinced my husband that this evaluation and diagnosis could save our marriage.  Additionally, our children are learning to behave like him, and they're just horrible!!  Unfortunately time passed before the appointment, his interested lessened, and he manipulated the situation so that I couldn't go with him.  He came home and said the therapist told him you can't diagnose an adult with ADD if they were not diagnosed as a child.  He said my husband li


What I have come to know and understand is a difference in perception of events in my marriage.

I like things neat and tidy - not obsessive - and things put away when they are finished being used.  My spouse likes everything right out where he can find it.  The counter is a landing spot for anything and everything.

The trick is learning to find a way that both partners can feel comfortable.

I get very frustrated by the amounts of stuff in the backyard and oozing out of the barn.  My spouse does  not understand why I am bothered by his stuff.

Effects of angry outbursts


I've been wondering what the long-term effects of angry outbursts are on children. By angry outbursts I mean yelling, pounding fists on things, maybe a curse words at anything from spilled water to traffic jams, to cars not going fast enough, power outages etc. They can happen once daily sometimes more or less, depending on the mood. How does this affect young children who witness this behavior from their ADHD father? Would like to hear from anyone. If you experienced it as a child or with your children who are now grown up, would like to hear that as well!

H's attitude had been great for 2 months...until yesterday!

H has been happy lately. Going to his job on a regular basis, in a good mood when I get home every night, talkative. He's been working with people he likes. He said his partner is awesome, his lead is awesome, but yet he wants to switch over to 2nd shift come Feb. He said he wants something new and it's to the point where he can't let others bring him down and just go into work and do his job. So he's really liked his partner and has said he's going through some rough times and he wants to help him out. Okay great.

H seems the total opposite now and works TOO much!

If you look on my previous posts from this year (or even the past couple of years) you will see the majority of my complaints came from H not going to work for days/weeks at a time. Or lying to me about going to work but just killing time at breakfast somewhere and then coming home after I left for work. He said this was all due to hating his manager and a few of his coworkers. Well since September he has had a new lead guy and a new partner. Everything has been great. He hasn't missed a day of work in almost 3 months and he's happy going to work.

Married Single Mother of 5

From day 1 it has been me and the kids - and then him.  It's like he's separate from us.  He's here, but he's not HERE.  We had 5 kids in  6 years and I have yet to feel like he's fully in on this.  He deals with them and me only when he feels like it and it's convenient for him.  He will never go out of his way or be put out for any of us.  It's always his comfort, his head hurts, his legs hurt, his pinky toe hurts.  He'll huff and puff if I ask him to do even something simple like tie a shoe for one of the kids.
