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just need to tell my story to someone

I'm completely new to this forum but feel a mixture of relief and anxiety about communicating on here. We think that my husband has ADD. We have been together 9 years and after the honeymoon phase ended, I felt like something was up but didn't quite know what to put my finger on.  I thought he might've had aspergers syndrome and set up an appointment. The therapist explained that while he does display many apergers traits, he definitley doesn't have aspergers syndrome but is likely to have ADD. At the time (this is going back c.

Never a victim!

I have been with my ADHD/ alcoholic partner for 14 years now.  Our lives are not perfect but, with a lot of hard work from both of us, we have continued to grow in our marriage.  We are going through a particularly difficult time right now because he has lost his 3rd job in as many years.  

What do you love?

Sometimes it is important to remind ourselves why we chose someone with ADHD as a partner... while they can be frustrating sometimes we forget that WE are also part of the problem.

So what do you love about your ADHD partner?


I love that my husband doesn't dwell on things... he always remembers the best parts of a vacation or weekend without dwelling on anything negative that happened.  I am the opposite.  I dissect every little thing.  He helps me to live in the moment.


No more sex

I read a previous thread about sex in ADHD relationships but that seemed to focus on excessive porn use.  My ADHD husband and I have not had sex in the last year and I can count on one hand how many times in the last 3 years.  I don't think that he has any unhealthy interest in porn - I guess I would know if he did.  We pretty much live separately in the same house.  While saying that he loves me and does not want to separate, he is doing nothing to suggest that he wants me around.  I am financially dependent upon him - we have 3 kids, two with ADD and I homeschool one of them.

Silliness and immaturity and frustration

I long for hearing , "Gosh I forgot."  I long for hearing, "Darn, it may have been me."  I long for hearing, "Hmm, I wonder if I forgot to hook the gate?"  I long for an adult taking responsibilities for the simple fact that he  may or may not have been responsible for something.  

PLEASE help me put this into the proper perspective

Synopsis of situation: I am a widow of 7 years. Significant Other (SO) is a widower of 2.25 years with AD/HD which has never been dx'd or treated. (It slowly dawned on me that this was the case, and has become clearer over time and from discussions with the boys' teachers and caretakers, reading the boys' various medical, school, psychological records - his late wife was aware and it was apparently a much-discussed issue among them).

Fired again...

My husband has had 3 jobs in as many years.  We moved across the country for this last one, got into debt with the move, and he was fired after three months.  I am trying so hard to be supportive.  At least this time I also have a job with benefits, but it does not make anywhere near enough to support our three children.  He is an executive and very good at his job, but his inability to read people and emotional intelligence are really holding him back.  The last boss simply said he "shared too much personal information" and that it made people uncomfortable.

How do you handle the constant stream of ideas?

I don't know about your DHs, but mine comes up with the "next big thing" several times a week. Of course he doesn't follow through on one thing, ever. This week alone, he's had five big ones and he wants to talk about them for hours. Every one of them requires years of training or schooling,and all of them are completely unrealistic. 

I actually just got done with yet another conversation, this one about becoming an insurance agent. He's been  unemployed for several years and I get that he wants to help support, but why not pick training based on your background (which is IT). 
