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The constant need to tell you how it "should" be done!

My husband feels the need to comment on EVERYTHING I do! I was shoveling gravel into a cart to haul to the back and although I was doing it good,  I could do it better if I went from the other side. I make a drink and it's good, but if I put the ice in first rather than last then it's better. So many things. The latest though is the video game playing. I am not a gamer AT ALL but we got the XBox1 which senses your body motion so it gets you active.

Staying with him no matter what

In the 3 months I've known my boyfriend it's become increasingly apparent that he probably has ADHD. Whoever here said ADHD people think of time in terms of "now" and "not now" helped me a great deal. Just saw him again after being out of touch nearly a month, during which I was a mess, wondering whether he was gone for good. He was just busy and we're fine.

acknowledging the good times too

I have ADD. I am currently engaged and together we have been trying to work together to be the best we can be. The goal is to build a strong healthy relationship. As with any couple, fights occur and disagreements happen. I am medicated and I am in counseling attempting to minimize the damage I cause to the relationship. I stumbled across this website looking for ideas, input and in general help about actively and successfully communicating with my partner. Unfortunately, at least in this particular forum, I seem to have ran into a a lot of negative viewpoints.

He bailed on helping me move

My bf texted me Saturday morning that he drove up to his family's lake house 8 hours away and would not be helping me move the next day. He was acting distant for a couple days before. I have known him for 8 years and we have been together for over 3. I just helped him move last month, and I just moved to the same town he's in. Thank God my uncle is such a great person because otherwise it would have been me and my dad. Bf wouldn't pick up the phone when he texted me because he was 'in the car with his family.' He said he would call later and didn't.

The fire pit FINALLY got started but...

This fire pit idea of H's has been brewing since January. He killed the grass in February where he was going to put it and we had a 12' x'12' area of dead grass for months Last month he finally got a tiller and tilled up the dirt and grass in the area. Then that sat for 3 weeks with nothing happening. Saturday he got sand and gravel delivered. We got tarps for both items to be dumped on but they were no way big enough so we've got sand and gravel falling off onto the grass and into the neighbor's yard because our houses are so close together.

Self respect

I have been told by a professional counselor that I may have an "overzealous concern making things right for others". I was not that way before marriage and family.  I remember myself being very independent, possibly even self centered.  How did I get to be the exact opposite of what i started out to be?  Our first years saw me expecting dh to do the financial responsibilities and me the home and family responsibilities.  When the financial thing just didn't happen from him, I thought I HAD to pick it up.  I expected a commitment to the marriage and family by both of us.

Stimulant side effects

My husband was diagnosed almost three years ago.  He went through different stimulants which did not work particularly well for him then on a higher dose of one of them he seemed to suffer some nerve damage.  One side of his face went numb and has not entirely recovered 2 years later.  He has been on Strattera since.  He says he has felt a little more in control at work, but at home I don't know if the meds are that effective.  He is still twitchy and constantly looking for stuff to do (everything but face our marital problems).  What other medications are out there?

Being someone's second option hurts like fucking hell...

I know when you're in a relationship, you're suppose to talk to your partner about your issues, but I don't really have an option. Little bit more on that in a moment. It's wrong, and I know that. But I need some advice and I don't know where else to go. Here's the problem. Whenever we're around my bf's mom he makes me feel like I'm his second option. Hell, even when we're not around her. It's almost like shes God and she walks on water. He worships her. If she falls he's by her side helping her off her feet in 2 seconds flat. Me? He asks me if I'm ok and goes on his merry way.
