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New here, need someone to talk to

Hi, I recently stumbled onto this site when I was searching the internet once (again) for help on what could be wrong in my marriage.  What really spoke to me on this blog was the list of symptoms that occur in your marriage when one partner has ADD.   I have known for the past 19+ years that something wasn't right but couldn't figure out what.  I just don't know what to do and I need someone to talk to. 

Relationship advice please (mega conflict.)


Hi, I have been in a Relationship for 8 months, My partner is living with ADHD because we are in a relationship we are living with it together. I love my man. I really do but there is a lot of conflict and confusion in our relationship. I have read about ADHD.

Mess, thats ok I can clean its no big deal, Forgetting things, thats ok I will not point them out or make them too big.

cant talk to friends/family -- feeling isolated

This is my first post -- 

I'm wondering about others experience with social support from friends/family. I find that I'm unable to talk to anyone about my ADHD BF of 10 years without getting negative reactions from them, which leaves me feeling judged, not supported. I love him dearly and truly believe in our relationship, but it would be nice if I could discuss the real challenges of ADHD without being looked down on as a weak/codependent woman. Honestly, this sense of isolation is the main reason I am on this forum.

How to handle a person's ADHD in social situations without hurting his feelings

I recently started seeing someone and while there are many great qualities about him, the way that he behaves in public makes me uncomfortable. I'm having a really hard time wondering if it's worth it to stay,  how to talk to him without hurting his feelings or making it seem like I'm trying to change him. Also, I've been feeling guilty and awful that it bothers me this much, and maybe the issue is my own. 

Newbie Looking for Support

Good morning everyone!

I'm brand new to this forum after finding out my hubbys issues are directly related to ADD. My counselor suggested it could be the cause of his lack of attention, spending all day either in front of the TV or laptop and all the piles of stuff everywhere in our house. I stumbled upon this site and have been reading everything I can get my hands on. I ordered the ADD Effect on Marriage which should be here tomorrow. 

Why do I live with this??

H finally went back to work on Monday after nearly 2 weeks of not going in. Doctor put him on light duty for 2 weeks due to his knee. H said this was his plan all along because he can't stand his manager and one of his coworkers in the area he works so he is working in a different area. Said he needed these 2 weeks off to get his head together and now while he's in this area he is going to talk to other managers and get his resume updated for other job positions in the company. Of course! Who doesn't take 2 weeks off without pay to get their head together?!

Adderall and Vyvanse

My DH was diagnosed two months ago. He started on Vyvanse 30 mg I think it was, but then after he got home from work he would just have these mood swings, anything could set him off. The DR said some people need something else in the afternoon when they "crash" from the meds. So she gave him Adderall .  Now he's taking Adderall XR in the morning and an Adderall booster in the evening. 

