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She handled it differently :)

Yesterday I wrote in the angry and frustrated area that my adhd partner informed me she had forgotten to take her meds.  We had plans and this information gave me fear of what would become of those plans.  I was all prepared to have to accept a very different , I productive and disconnected day with her.  She went out in the yard and began an activity that usually takes her so far away that she doesn't make it back inside until sometimes 9 at night.....even though it should only take her about 2 hours!

Not taking meds!,,, errrrrrrrrr

I just need to vent!  I am so sick of this!!!  We are on vacation and going to have a good time and she just informed me that she only took 2 meds today because she forgot to,take,the other two!!  I read in this sight that we can't remind them to take their meds but then I feel powerless!!  On only two pills she is extremely distracted, can be argumentative, is shut down and can be really hard to get to follow through with plans (we have some tonight) and sex!  Ha forget about sucks so bad I don't even want to do it!!

So this is what has transpired since last Thursday!

 Found this out from reading his texts when he wasn't around. After not being at work for 7 days straight, he sends a message to his manager on Thursday afternoon around 2PM saying that he will report for duty tomorrow after stopping by medical at work and doctor has him on light duty for 2 weeks. Friday he goes to medical at 5AM (I thought he was once again pulling the crap of leaving for work but then just going to have breakfast somewhere until I left for work and then coming home) and at 5:45 sends a message to his manager saying "Oh just reread text from yesterday.

Wife thinks the Focalin I'm prescribed is "speed"

My wife has been frustrated with me lately and it turns out my psych said the Focalin I'm on is "speed".  Since she grew up with the worst of the worst drugs which both her mother and father abused their entire life, she thinks she's going through it again.  If I don't take my med I told her I'd likely loose my job since I've already been warned at work.  Anybody know the best way to approach this?  It is highly emotional for her, so I reassured her, but she said she'd never be convinced it isn't speed.  

Thanks for any positive contributions you may have!


Hygiene,smell, hoarding

Does anyone else have trouble with an adhd spouse and their hygiene? I have trouble with finding creative ways to say please wash etc and its killing me especially since they smoke. How do I work on asking them to clean themselves?their space?and work on their hoarding? The forgetfulness makes the personal hygiene very bad and it makes messes so much worse.I have trouble being together with them when they haven't showered or shaved etc.

No Hope For Happy Sex Life

Hi everyone,

I'm very new to this site but I've been reading a lot of your posts & feeling both relieved & overwhelmed at all our common experiences.  For some background, I am 32 years old & have been married for 6 years to my husband who has ADHD.  He is currently going to counseling & should be getting on some medication here in the next couple of weeks.  I am still reading through The ADHD Effect on Marriage & trying to work on my end of things.

Blame Game

I have been complaining about dh for years (mostly silent complaining but it also came too many times out of mouth).  I wanted to have a husband to love and respect and someone to love and care for me and respect our marriage and me.  Here is how I had been.  I was saying in my head:

1. It is not fair.  He gets to have fun and I get to worry about the future.  I want to be happy like him with no cares and the ability to laugh everything off.  With someone else taking care of the necessities and the security. 

Married 10 years and I'm not sure what to do

I'll start out by saying that I am the ADD spouse. My husband and I met 16 years ago and dated for 6 years before getting married. I was diagnosed with ADHD about 2 years into our marriage. Like anyone else we had our share of problems. Before being diagnosed it had gotten to the point that he was being very aggressive and cruel to me - I had even researched emotional abuse (which he did discover when I accidently left a web page up on my computer.) Some things he accused me of were lying, cheating, having a gambling and/or drug problem.
