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Is it a hearing problem or ADHD?

It seems that my husband doesn't hear the noun in the sentence!  I know this sounds a bit crazy, but this is my life. When he does hear, his interpretation of what was said is not what is said. Yes, he has taken many hearing tests and everything is fine.  At this point he finally agrees that something is wrong, particularly when he hears me say things I've not said. I would like to know if this is all ADHD or is it signs of something else?



Chronic lack of patience & rudeness

My husband is constantly speaking very rudely to me when he feels he is not getting my full attention at the exact second he wants it.  There is an incident nearly every day its worse when he forgets to take meds or  before he takes his meds  in the morning but happens when he has had his medication too.

If I am busy doing something and don’t drop my activity right away and rush over to where he is to pay attention to what he want me to he makes some rude statement or gets mad and says “forget it”.....even if only a 30 second delay to when I was going to talk to him.

Speechless! (at times)

All my life, I've struggled with being able to explain myself. My thoughts, feelings, emotions (at times), a book or movie plot (maybe not understanding it?) you name it. I wonder if this is part of my ADHD, or is it something completely different? I'm curious to know if anybody else has struggled with this, and if so, what are your coping mechanisms or ways of getting around this? I've thought of drawing the picture out on paper, but I SUCK at drawing, or art in general.



Just needing to unload, maybe others are going through as well

I'm a 28 y/o husband/new father (first one just a few days ago!!) and have been married for 4 years. I started reading the ADHD Effect and I'm loving it. However, I can't help but feel saddened and frustrated during this otherwise joyous time. I feel like all the progress I felt like I made with my wife's and mine relationship has been crumbled back to square one.

Some New Insights

I have been spending a lot of time reading and reviewing comments and experiences on here over the past few weeks. I believe I may have stumbled on to some concepts that may lead to a better understanding of my situation. My wife was diagnosed with ADHD about 2.5 yrs. ago at age 41. You can read my earlier posts for the detailed background if you are interested. I am sharing this now at a very early stage in the hope it may spur some discussion to further develop the concept, or disprove it altogether. Let me know your thoughts.

5 years of joblessness and hopelessness

My husband of 30 years was laid off  five years ago from a job that he never loved, but felt trapped in for 20 years.  He received a diagnosis of ADHD after our son was diagnosed about 9 years ago. He seemed to experience some relief after the diagnosis, and started taking Adderall which he claimed did help him to focus. When he lost his job, he was optimistic that this opportunity (complete with a year of severance pay) would be the chance he needed to reinvent himself, but instead it has turned into a devastating mess.

Partner wasting my time

My husband was diagnosed in march and we have had four years of horrible marriage problems leading up to it.

Since diagnosis we have been on a merry go round where I beg him to face up to the adhd and  create a plan to stop it affecting our marriage, he says he will and then doesn't. 

He is taking the meds but doesnt like them and sometimes doesn't take them (always results in a row before I realise he hasn't taken them). 

Everyone sees it but him.

This is the first time I have ever posted to a forum.  But after 13 years of marriage, three children, two of which have been diagnosed with ADHD, I am at a loss.  My husband was so loving when we dated.  He seemed to think only of me and of our future together.  But after we got married, we had problems.  Normal things that every couple deals with.  He was used to having a perfectly clean house, dinner on the table every night, etc.  But I came from the opposite kind of home.  I was constantly picking up after him (I thought this was normal although frustrating) and making excuses for him
