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H had printout of narcissistic personalities sitting on his desk!

I saw this yesterday and commented only half joking to him "Oh is this about you"? He goes "No that fits my boss to a t". He has been having difficulties with his boss for a while now and is trying to find a way to cope. I just thought to myself "How can you not see that YOU are the one with this personality?" The never considering others feelings, being charming to get your way, being controlling. He would never admit that he has any issue.

Why is my birthday so hard for him to remember?

Tomorrow is my birthday. For the 14 years we have been married , my DH has been consistently inconsistent about remembering it, much less planning anything, however small to celebrate. I'm not talking big, I'm talking a card that wasn't bought the morning of my birthday when he sees my face and realizes I am upset because he has, once again, forgotten . We have a 10 year old child who is learning from his Dad how to celebrate birthdays  . He has adhd also but he gets upset with himself when he realizes he didn't do anything to celebrate.

What is the "great tragedy" in your relationship?

I think the core disagreement in my marriage stems from the things that one of us does or believes in that the other doesn't.  I believe that problems must be talked about and addressed; my husband doesn't.  My husband believes it's OK to shut down communication with me (i.e., not talking or texting for weeks at a time); I don't think this is OK.

Do you have a core problem or difference?  What is it? 

DH always complaining

Here's one more question for everyone. Do your ADHD spouses always complain like my husband does? The complaints can be about ANYTHING, but usually they are about people/family members and how we all drive him crazy. Sometimes I don't think he's happy unless he is complaining about someone else, whether it's in the family or at a job.  He doesn't try to practice saying GOOD things that would help him "feel" better in the long run. He is ALWAYS complaining about us to other people, which later on usually gets back to me, but it makes me feel AWFUL.

Rant about husband, stepdaughter and long weekend at the motorcycle track!

Well I can't say I'm looking forward to this long Memorial Day weekend at the motorcycle track with H and SD. H wants to leave on Friday afternoon, but I can't take the day off. I can get off early and be home by 1PM but I can see him saying he'll just load up the truck and hook up the trailer and pick me up at work on the way down. I want to come home and shower and just generally make sure the house is in decent shape before leaving for 3 days.

loosing things

My husband and I use that term simply because of the paper I signed... Looses everything and then blames everyone a 5 year old. Currently he is looking for his drivers licence....because he never puts it in a wallet or somewhere safe..just strewns it around like everything else. Of course is the bloody kids fault, they have taken it..and lost it... Or perhaps it's my fault because I cleaned today and potentially moved it. Not his.. No not at all...he is not the stupid ass who didn't put it away.'s someone else's fault.. Maybe it's yours...yes you reading this...

I didn't know this existed!

Firstly, I'm so surprised I have found not only other people, but other spouses of ADD partners....I can't believe I'm not the only one... I thought it was just me...with what seems like a Man-child for a husband! I don't even know where to start...the lack of help around the house? The almost teenage response toward helping me..coming from a 31 year old man? The anger issues? The hoarding? The narcissistic attitude... Some days I want out. I fantasize a life of singledom..... I was a single mom before...

Husband only wants to try Mindfulness Meditation...?

Hello all,


I've been lurking on this site reading posts and getting some support for a lot of the issues that my husband has, but of course, no two situations are exactly alike, so I've finally come to the conclusion I needed to get on here and ask a question myself.
