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Whither EMPATHY?

Dear Melissa & Ned,i

It seems to me that the crucial first step to be able to communicating in a 'validating' manner, is to put oneself in the other's shoes for the moment, even if it is a close relationship like with your spouse.  And, this needs to occur in both partners.

Buying a house with an ADHD partner?

Just before we found out that my Husband was diagnosed with ADHD we decided that it was a mutual goal of ours to buy a house by the end of this year. Now that we know he has ADHD, I'm contemplating whether or not buying a house is a good decision for us. I know it's a huge responsibility and a huge commitment. If I don't feel like I can rely on him or trust him to get things done at all (like now), I can see it being a big potential problem down the road. I also know that it would likely mean more responsibility for me and I already feel very overwhelmed.

Does Medication for ADHD really make that much of a difference?

My Husband was diagnosed just a few weeks ago with ADHD (the combined type) and he is 33 years old. It seems very severe. In fact, the doctor told us that it wasn't even questionable whether or not he has ADHD since he scored a 105 out of a possible 120 based on the questions he answered. We're looking into him getting on medication, but it seems to be taking awhile for us to get a doctor's appointment especially cuz we had to find one that was affordable enough for us. I am also really concerned about the costs of the medication.

i feel that i love and miss the girl in my secret relationship more than my wife

ive been married for 20 years. we had a period of separation when she had to go work abroad. during that time i seem to have drifted away from her not just because of the distance but with little things as well. i got into a secret relationship and when my wife came back she seems to know that something is afoot. i lied when confronted about it and in turn put my secret relationship on the rocks to the point that i called it off. now i dont know what to do. i feel that i love and miss the girl in my secret relationship more than my wife.

Does video game addiction go away with treatment?

The subject line pretty much says it all.  I am wondering if treatment, particularly medication, can help cure a video game addiction in someone with ADD.  I feel like the only cure for anything like this is hitting rock bottom, so I am not optimistic, but I am wondering if anyone has noticed any changes one way or another regarding video game addiction after starting medication.

Separation and Possible Divorce

This is my first time posting to this website, I have never reached out to other people online for answers but feel sort of desperate. My husband has ADD and was diagnosed about a year and a half into being married, we have been married now for 2 years and 8 months. Just over a year into our marriage he told me that he had been thinking about divorce, that he wasn't sure that we were meant to be together and I was completely shocked. I loved my husband so much and divorce had never even crossed my mind.

Winning Back Ex-Boyfriend with ADHD

I dated a guy with ADHD for 6 months (we are both in our mid-30s).  He told me that he had ADHD, that he was diagnosed as an adult, and that he only recently started taking medication, which he took only during the work week.  As you hear often on these Forums, when he was focused on me, everything was great.  Throughout the time we dated, he was great about calling me every day, and when we were together, we had a lot of fun and no strife.  However, the time we spent together in person was very inconsistent because of the million different activities he was always trying to cram into his l

One Spouse With Autism the Other With Add

I dont know if this is the right place for this question. Im new here and havent searched the site too much. But my husband and I have been having so many issues that its hard to even begin. I believe he has ADD, not ADHD. He is not very active, hates doing things. I was recently diagnosed with autism (high functioning) and obviously knew something was always different about me. Our relationship has always been, well i cant even find the word. We have always fought alot. He blamed me and I blamed him. Now I know why I am the way I am.
