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Seeing the financial big picture


I'm wondering if anyone has advice on helping a (suspected) ADHD spouse pay attention to/understand the financial "big picture" in a relationship. For most of our 2 1/2-year marriage, I have been the sole breadwinner, bill payer, and overall tracker of our finances. I have struggled to get my husband to show any interest in how much money we have each month vs. how much we spend.

ADD/ADHD is Like ...

I don't know if this has been done in other threads, and I don't have time to go find out. Along the lines of Ned Hollowell's great article — in which he tries to explain what it's like to have ADD/ADHD — I thought it'd be interesting to hear how other folks explain their experiences with ADD/ADHD. So finish one of the two statements below:

1.) Having ADD/ADHD is like ...

2.) Living with an ADD/ADHD person is like ...

annoying childish mockking behavior

What is this constant pushing thing? Its like he mocks the tone of my voice mocks what I say or do...even mocks my 8years olds voice??? When I tell him he is pushing me. I try to explain he is crossing the line. Like too much poking fun sarcasm mocking like hyper mode. I ask him to stop he keeps going. Or says ok I will stop then turn around do it again for the last 2 days. We do havw alot going on right now and are separating actually.

pls help ADD Husband has no money once again to contribute to household

My husband’s job reduced his salary over a year ago and he did not tell me. We split joint account and contribute a percentage of our incomes to the acct to cover our expenses. He earns a lot less so his amount is less. This system was suggested by our family counselor bc he has been so inconsistent with financial contributions the past decade plus of our marriage.

ADHD partner not interested in parenting tasks

I recently finished reading "The ADHD Effect on Marriage" and have been searching the forums as well to learn more about ADHD and parenting.  I haven't found a similar experience to mine, so maybe it has little to do with ADHD, but I'll put it out there in the hopes someone has dealt with it and found some solutions.

Reality sinking in

Hello to this wonderful group,

I read Melissa's book and found this forum last summer. Have only now found the nerve to officially "join" and post. I was married for 14 years (no kids) and when it ended in 2011, I vowed that I would not make the same mistakes again. I haven't, yet I've made a whole slew of new, perhaps worse, mistakes.
