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Our Petty Ugly Parts need Honor and Love

Pretty Ugly Cry

Everyone looks ugly when they cry.
With the pureness of our hearts we testify.
Laid bare with love we wish to fly.
Our daily death help us to defy.

Our moulting melting shell
From which our souls rebel
Bursts open to be born.
A sacred self forlorn.

O have reverence for our tears
For to you we have exposed our fears.
See the beauty of our cry
For some painful part must die.

How to communicate without upsetting each other?

My boyfriend has been my best friend for 7 years, and we have been dating for over 2 years. We have a lot in common and care about each other deeply. When it comes to communication, not only are we stuck, it devolves into feelings being continually hurt on both sides. We can't seem to break through, and his reactions keep us stuck in the cycle.

Husband blew up during worksheet discussion

I don't even know what just hit me. My husband and I sat down to listen to Session 3 of the couples seminar, and we were discussing our worksheets beforehand. During our anger worksheets discussion, I said that I answered one of the questions according to my resentment because I don't really have anger. He asked me what I was resentful for. Normally I would not answer because in the last 6-8 weeks, he has been very irritable, and little things set him off. But I figured--hey, we're having a nice honest talk, so I will try to explain.

ADHD spouse and step daughter

I have been married for one year to me ADHD spouse. He was just recently diagnosed, but refuses to treat because he says the military won't allow it. Our therapist called bs on that, but he still thinks he has it under control. To make matters worse, his daughter is super ADHD with a number of other issues that he refuses to address. I have patience for one, but not both. The only time we ever argue is when she is with us. Up until about 3 months ago that was only sporadically, but now she lives with us full time and it is a huge challenge for me to balance it all.

Helpful insight

Hi. I'm new here, but I'm totally in.  I've been married to a woman with undiagnosed ADHD for 13 years now with 6 kids.  My wife just got officially diagnosed a few weeks ago, after I had basically given up on "my plight" as a man condemned to live in "trash can".  This is how I often felt.  That feeling of giving in was good in a way, but anger and resentment always seems to creep back at some point.  

Partner of almost 10 years refusing to admit she has ADD/ADHD

I was 20 when I met this wonderful 26 year old woman that was pretty, divorced,  had a child, and I thought everything was great about her. During early portions of the relationship I didn't notice things about her behavior right away but I was botheredby certain things such as having a conversation and she quickly got side tracked, and during arguments she would twist my words and said that I said things that I never said.

Tired, frustrated, and ready to give up

I'm 26, married with two children ages 9 months and 4 years old. My husband and I have been married for 4 years. I have ADD, but have known for quite a while and have it fairly under control. My husband has recently become diagnosed with ADHD. He has gone to counseling a couple times and is suppose to go on medication in about a week or two. I am excited to see how it will work, but at the same time, I'm not sure our marriage will even last to see the benefits. We have been having a hard time, but I feel like recently, I am just ready to give up. I feel invisible.
