Not new to marriage with a person diagnosed with ADHD
Hello all and Thank You for what seems to be a very real discussion!
Hello all and Thank You for what seems to be a very real discussion!
Hey, everybody...
I'd just noticed this morning that's it's been a year since I first joined this forum, and months since I've posted anything. Thought I'd let you guys know how things have been going...
I haven't been around here, because I've been posting and getting advice and support on another forum more appropriate for my problems.
Dealing with ADHD is no picnic, from the perspective of the one without ADHD. I have ADHD but I know what I am great at and what I am not. i apply Just-World Hypothesis to my proclivity at any given time and determine whether the outcome is satisfactory. As I type this entry, I want to be with my girlfriend who is peacefully sleeping in our room. I could sit here and interact with the computer all night long, but I know it's counterproductive. She wants me by her each night but I have insomnia.
Hello I 48 years old, diagnosed with ADHD/ADD 4 years ago. I have been married for 20 years. I have two wonderful kids and a beautiful wife. I have a good job(teacher) and I am very blessed. Now here are the problems that may cost me everything I love. 1. Can't communicate with my wife on an intimate level 2. Blame all my frustraitions and disappointments on her.( because she is successful) 3. Stay ill at the kids a lot 4. Can't let go of old career goals that are not going to happen and I know it. 5. I struggle to be emotionally supportive to my family 6.