Recent forum posts (all topics)

Last posting. Best of luck to everyone.

I wanted to thank for the support and help I got from this forum when I was dealing with my ADHD husband.  Our divorce has been finalized and I am done with my short marriage. He moved out of town and I will never see him again. I might encounter different types of despair and pain in my life, but hopefully it will not be as devastating as it has been during my marriage.

Understanding ADHD when spouse just got diagnosed

My husband just got diagnosed with ADHD and when the doctor called him to tell him the news, he also recommended marriage counseling for us because he noticed stressed between us, but my husband says ADHD is not the reason why we got marriage counseling recommended... We have been arguing too much even before this news but to me this condition is the reason? 

Is this ADD or just verbal abuse?

I have been dating a man for over a year now who was very open with me from the beginning that he had ADHD. At the time, I was not concerned as I had previously been married to a man with ADHD for 14 years and had some understanding of the diagnosis. This man and I were friends 20 years ago and "found" each other again and after admitting to each other that we had unresolved feelings for each other, we started dating. I have been very patient his mood swings and days of depression, but it is the verbal abuse I can't deal with.

going off meds (involuntarily)

Thought I'd share my experience from last month....

My life has gotten more hectic in the last 12 months or so, more work for me, more stuff at school for DD#1 DD#2 is 3 now and a handful and won't start preschool til the Fall because we don't have the money...etc. etc.  I've been emotionally very fragile since October when a little boy who was in my music class was murdered.  That fragility increases with each new report of violence it seems and I guess it will just never end.

suggestions for marking special day?

This Saturday is my wedding anniversary.  My marriage is on the rocks.  I don't want to do anything on Saturday that is couple related nor could I if I wanted to, given that my husband will be gone, at his parents' home, as he is every weekend.  My husband probably won't call or anything.  That's OK, too.  What I want to do is something to celebrate me and my strides toward greater maturity and independence.  Any ideas?

the Mommy/Child challenge

Quote from "Switching Gears from Immaturity to Maturity in Marriage":

If you have ever been with children, you realize they are self-absorbed because they are in the center of their own worlds. Children place their pleasures at the center of almost every decision.This is normal for a child. It is abnormal for an adult.

Atrocious ? Really?

Today a sales rep stopped over.  My spouse asked if I minded if he brought the guy into the house.  I am still in my PJs, so I said, "Yes, I would mind."

After the guy leaves, my spouse is slamming things around muttering under his breath.  Then he says, "You think people think you are treated so atrociously, well, I think this is atrocious."

Atrocious?  That was not a word I ever said.  Atrocious?  Much too strong of a word for the situation.

Done having kids?

we have 2 kids, age 4 and 2 and are working on our marriage but after having read a lot of this site, I'm thinking that hope for a normal life is pretty much off the table. I really want another child but I feel like I would be choosing between having another child or preserving my marriage. Even if we are done having kids, there still aren't any guarantees , but I feel like having a third would put a lot of stress on me and our marriage and isn't worth it. It's a sad realization, actually. DH is on add meds and has been for years but still suffers many of the symptoms related to it.
