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Methylphenidate (Ritalin) is great

I haven't posted on here for a few months, since before hubby got his prescription for methylphenidate.  He's on a time-release form and takes it once in the morning.

There has been a significant difference in his behavior-- not like night and day-- but significant.   It is easier to get his attention when I want to speak to him, he is more apt to listen, and he gets more done.  Our son notices it too.  He is happy that his dad actually hears and pays attention better.


Just found this site and I am horrified at the stories of lying, cheating and infidelity.  I have dated a man for over a year but recently found some activity on his computer like you all - hookup sites, texting, etc. Of course denying it was nothing or "just looking."  Still don't believe that.

ADHD Relationship Seminar Bellevue WA 4/13


Hello.  I wanted to let the people in the Northwest know about an ADHD relationship one day seminar being hosted by ADD Resources 4/13.  Keynote speaker is the comedian from and the PBS shows ADD and Loving It, and ADD and Mastering It.  His wife will also be participating.  I'm hoping it will be a good introduction for my ADHD spouse on just how impacted our relationship is by his symptoms, and my reactions to them of course.

How long to the point of no return?

After reading many of these threads, it seems a common theme among us "nons" married to ADHD spouses is "the breaking point". It may be after 3 years or 30 years. It could be their diagnosis, finding this site, or a particular incident that gets us to this point. But, it seems like we all have a moment when, after years of being hopeful and thinking it will get better, we realize that this is our life. They won't change. ANd you have to decide if you can live with that or not.

When googling for explanations to his behavior, this site always pops up. Now I'm starting to get it...

Oh man, I've only been married for 3 years, but I am ready to tackle two jobs and being a single mom just to get out of this relationship. He's not even that bad yet.....I'm just too independent and used to being single to deal with having to mother my husband. He has every single symptom of ADD. I don't really know the difference in ADD and ADHD, but he has no hyperactivity problems. He comes across as pretty darn lazy. Because of him, I'm the one with the hyperactivity, but I like to call it extreme multi-tasking;p

Sometimes "nice" doesn't work

We are in financial tight straights at retirement.  dh pays for a warehouse/shop at $6,000/yr. He is not making a profit anymore with it. The majority of the space is storing junk that he doesn't want to see or cope with so he keeps paying the rent instead of clearing it out.  He has taken money out of his small retirement fund to pay for some of this and some other business debt.  I told him to cut the warehouse footage in half at least and get the junk out so he could pay half the rent for it.  He said he would make a call.
