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Do ADHD and hoarding tendencies go hand in hand?

So, is this just another of the aspects of ADHD?  Hoarding?   

I was first learning about ADHD around 1995 when my son was in first grade.  As time progressed towards high school, his backpack was definitely the 'black-hole' that is so common with ADHD children.  I could clearly understand its correlation with executive function.  He was unable to discern what to keep and what to throw away.  It seemed to never fail, if he did throw something out, he needed it at a later date.  So, his way of coping was to keep it all. 

Incident Log

The goal here is to note all "events" in my marriage. I hope that through this they won't fade away. Very shortly after an altercation I have a very hard time remembering what was said. Hopefully I can note details here and learn something from the reminder.

This is more for me than anything. Not actively looking for input or response, though that is welcome. Doing something like this in a journal is an activity I've always hated, and probably wouldn't follow through with.

Differing expectations and desires

Sometimes I remind myself that people are allowed to have different expectations and desires, from things like the temperature of the soup to things like marriage.  I think that perhaps my husband's expectation of and desire for marriage is that it will be an undertaking to which he need not make any contributions.  My expectation and desire, in contrast, is that it be a joint undertaking.  Is it acceptable for me to end the marriage for this reason?

Is the 'silent treatment' normal?

I have anxiety and ADHD, both of which I am treating.  Anxiety is the greater challenge, and in the past I have been rather hot-headed and prone to making huge issues out of tiny ones.  Lately with the help of meds, I've been able to notice that not every issue in our relationship is my fault.  My boyfriend also has an anxiety disorder, but refuses to recognize it.  His stress can be off the charts, usually resulting in 3-6 days of unendurable crankiness.  We don't live together, so I avoid him when he gets into one of these moods.

ADD Partner feels I am Critial and Hurtful by trying to deal with our issues

Hello - I am new and here is my story:

I am living with a man that I am totally in love with - we have been together for over 2 years, and lived together for almost 1 year.  We both have great jobs and many hobbies.  He has suffered from ADD his whole life, but only in the last year or so has he been interested in looking for a 'solution'.  Our relationship has been full of hardships, fights, and disagreements on everything from sex to commitment, but only in the last few weeks have we both agreed that my partners ADD has been a catalyst for all of the issues we have had.   

Some progress (but I'll leave hope for another day)

Hi.  Here are some things I've done that have helped me and some ways I've interacted differently with my husband lately that seem to have been improvements.

1) Doing fun things on my own. I've been watching movies on DVD from the library and watching things on TV that I like.

2) Buying a few things for myself.  I got a cellphone (yep, my first one; just for emergencies, really, but still).  I also bought an iPod shuffle to keep me distracted during an upcoming flight; I'm a fearful flyer.

Does this resonate with anyone?

Hello all, I am married to my husband for 8 years and have recently dicovered that he is most likely ADD. I had been having cognitive behavioural therapy to deal with my regular feelings of worthlessness. I searched all through my past to find aswers and then one day I stumbled across an article entitled something like 'living with someone with ADHD' and it was like it had been written about my husband.

His ADD vs My Mental Health

Do any of you non-ADDers feel like your whole personality is having to change to live with your ADDer?  I have been dealing with this for over 30 years.  Not only am I on Xanax, Ambien, and Celexa, but who I am is completely different than who I used to be.  I know most of you are laughing saying IT'S THE DRUGS GOOFY!, but it isn't.  We all know that "controlling our emotions" is essential in our marriage, but I have begun to avoid my husband because I don't WANT to have to control my emotions.  I used to be extremely out-going, but lately I have become the "quiet one" in m
