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things were going ok until,,the lies starting taking over...

I have not come on for sometime b/c my computer crashed and just started back working.Anyways,from my last forum till now,I have not follow through with my separation with my ADHD spouse.He on the other hand have been doing very well up until he lost his job a couple months ago b/c he cold not stop bad talking the boss man and cursing on the job site, then he landed in heavy financial difficulties,after that was pure chaos,he started gambling more heavier than usual with little to no money he barely had trying to make up rent with the casino money which he never b/c he always broke even or

losing interest in my relationship...

His untreated ADD is causing me to feel very apathetic as to whether or not I spend time with him or I don't. I used to want to spend as much as time as we could together. But lately, the frustrations are so constant, I'm finding I just don't even care anymore if I hear from him or not. I'm wondering if our relationship is dying, actually.

I'm a stay-at-home ADHD dad, and my wife is divorcing me.

I'll do my best not to write a book here, but there's such a lot to be said.

My (non-ADHD) wife and I have been married almost five years.  During the first few years, I was mostly unemployed, but my wife says she didn't mind supporting me because I was supporting her emotionally.  We had rough spots, but overally everything was okay.  15 months ago we had a son, and predictably, everything changed.  

How can I help him ???

Well my partner rang me the other day in a bit of a state saying he thinks he might have adhd . So I asked him why he told me all the symptoms and everyone off them clicked . I said ok well maybe go to the doctor he said ok but still hasn't made the appointment this was last week . This is him all over biggest procrastinator, I didn't even know what the word meant till I met him .

Constant Frustration

I have been married to my husband for 4 years and with him for 7, and we have been living together for almost the full 7 years. I love my husband so incredibly much but sometimes I feel so frustrated by his ADHD that I get overwhelmed and don't know how to deal with it. My husband just got put back on a medication 3 weeks ago for his ADHD and I am hoping to see some changes. It took this long to get him to start taking medication again. He was on medication when we met, but stopped taking it about 3 months into our relationship.

I get so tired....

So tired of repeating myself. Same things I've asked him to do the entire marriage, he just can't manage to remember most of the time. I've resorted to putting a few notes up around the house, but I can't cover the house in notes. I would just like to go one, entire day without something forgotten or undone or half-as$ed. I have to STILL remind him to be quiet during our son's nap time. I have to remind him to give the bath at a decent hour AND to wash his entire body. Bathing has been his job since last July, but it still gets skipped and half-as$ed.

Any tips on approaching the ADHD spouse about their clutter?

I seriously feel like I am suffocating in this house. I am so tired of trying to pick up and keep things organized, just to have it all blown to pieces by my ADHD husband. I am nothing close to a neat freak, but his piles and projects are killing me. If it was just in his office, I could sigh and close the door. But it is seeping out of his office. The garage is a nightmare thanks to his "Hey how about I spontaneously start tearing down all of the drywall (including the ceiling) so I can insulate and put up new wood" right before Christmas and his busy tax season.

And the pet peeve of the day is. . . . . . .

Twice today, I have been in a conversation with someone, and my ADHD spouse has walked up to us, starting his own conversation as he walked up - in a very load voice - with the person I was talking too.  Ugghh.  I just want to scream.  

These are the situations I just don't know how to get a grip on. . . . . I just walk away. . . .  I don;t know how to address it without starting an argument.  

Any one have  any luck dealing with these sorts of situations.  
