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When You Have Been Hurt So Many Times...

                                       **PLEASE NOTE: I WELCOME ANY COMMENTS/INSIGHT YOU MAY HAVE!**

I have been with my spouse for four years, but only married for four months. Finally, after years of the same dysfunctional patterns repeating themselves over and over did I suspect that something may be off with him. I am a nurse and should have known sooner, but I was looking at myself as the probable culprit of our friction. Of course, both partners contribute, but...

Adderall withdrawal?

My ADHD husband and I split two months ago, after he flew into a rage one day in early August and left. We had been having serious trouble for about three years, and had been in marriage counseling. He had been taking Wellbutrin for about a year and Adderall for about six months at that point, a 10mg dose twice a day. I didn't really dig into it in August or over the last two months, which have been a nightmare of custody battles and legal wrangling that pretty much wiped us out. But we settled, and for the past two weeks haven't had much contact with each other.

Jaded by a Former ADHD Partner

It's been a while since I've posted on this site, as I'm no longer dating someone with ADHD. It took me months to figure out that I couldn't handle all the struggles that came with that relationship, but I finally ended that unhealthy relationship and haven't looked back nor communicated with my ex.

Not sure where o ask this - Anxiety and how it relates to thinking and ADD


I am new to this forum - have seen Melissa at a talk in Toronto recently and my wife having suggested I read the book, and  I am diagnosed Add.  I recently threw a bombshell into my married life and incredibly, my wife still wants to work on things.  My biggest problem seems to be a maladaptive coping strategy of avoidance.  I have been to see too many different therapists jumping around due to finance issues (looking for quick fix) but there are some things I learned that ring true.

Yup, Nope, OK.

I have a journal that goes back decades.  One day, when my son was about 11 years old after our older son moved to college, I wrote, "We seem to have stopped being able to communicate as a family.  No one talks anymore.  They seem so far away and not willing to make any effort to talk with me. I feel alone. It is a heartache.  I don't know what is going wrong. Maybe it is just getting through the 'teen years' "  From both of them (DH and DS) I got,  "Yup.  Nope. OK."  And that is about it FOR YEARS!!! I remember my son was always in to his computer until all hours of the night.

I have adhd and he cheated on me

I have ADHD, and my fiance cheated on me? I love him soooo much but it hurts so much... i am so lost on what to do? any other ADHD spouse been cheated on and were you able to fix it........  a long back story behind it, to make it as short as i can, there are some important facts to this story
