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How do you feel loved from the ADHD partner?

I had an emotional serious talk with my ADHD boyfriend today. I was really sick of him spending time on his own, gaming, internet, stuffs he likes. He said he needs his own time, own space. Even when I was at his place, he is still doing his stuff on computer. So I asked could we do something together next week? he said "no we spent too much time together, I need some time off myself" I was so angry because the time we spent together is me sitting on couch while he is playing computer game. So I started a big fight talking about my frustration.

Weekly update - why do I try?

Sorry for the update posts - I feel like I have begun to make these here priarily for my own documentation, although hopefully others may find some value within them.

Last night I asked my estranged-withinthe-same-household-ADD-wife for a night (tonight) that we could spend together, working on "us".  She agreed.

I looked forward to it all day, although I admittedly began to feel disappointment as the evening wore on later and later her desire to "go for a walk" and the kid's needs for snacks, entertainment, etc. pushed "our time" further to the back burner.

Groundhog Day?

That's what my relationship with my husband feels like.  We have been bickering about a few significant topics for more than three years now, since he was fired from his last full-time job.  One topic, about which I've pretty much given up hope:  looking for another full-time job.  The other topic:  my desire to have my husband help more around the house, given that I'm working more than he is and also doing more of the housework.  In the more than three years since the firing, my husband's only regular contribution to helping out around the house has been to vacuum ... sometimes.

Sweating the Small Stuff

I am the wife of an ADD husband.  He is a genius in so many ways.  In fact, he took the genius test and came out in the top two percent.  He has a great job and makes lots of money.  He loves me, and tells me every day.  I also love him and tell him that I love him every day.  I really do love him, in spite of his ADD traits.

Seeking advice on how to deal with ADD frustration

My partner is 26 years old and has ADD. He was diagnosed as a child and put on Ritalin for a very short time but was taken off, as his mother wasn’t keen on him being on it. Flash forward 18 years and he is having such a hard time with the symptoms it in his personal life, work life and our relationship that he has decided to go down the path of seeking medication to improve his concentration. He denied his ADD for such a long time (years and years) so I am really proud of him for acknowledging it and seeking help.

You can't make me do anything!

OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANCE SYMPTOMS:  Adults with ODD defend themselves relentlessly when someone says they've done something wrong. They feel misunderstood and disliked, hemmed in and pushed around. Some feel like mavericks or rebels.   WHAT CAUSES ODD?  It's unclear. It could be that a pattern of rebellion sets in when children with ADHD are constantly at odds with adults who are trying to make them behave in ways that their executive function deficit prohibits. By the time kids have had ADHD symptoms for two or three years, 45 to 84 percent of them develop ODD, too.
