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Just found out about how ADHD can affect our relationship

I have been together with my fiance for over 3 years now.  My fiance has ADHD and we both have known about it, but it has never been treated.  His parents never tried to treat it when the doctor diagnosed him as a child.  He told me from the beginning that he had ADHD, but I never thought that it could affect our life or relationship.  I found out last month that he was pursuing other women online and it frustrated me.  I felt so hurt and betrayed.  It started off as him looking at half naked women on facebook, then a secret world on twitter full of porn and conversations with these women. 

Another Friday.. Screwed Up.....I need support any other spouses feel like yet another weekend ruined!?!?

I don't know how much longer I can do this. I don't wanna lose him, as a person, his heart, our memories, the time I invested, the future I can sometimes see. But I need to look out for myself and I don't want to be 10 years ahead wishing I had put myself first and ended it when I needed to.

Is there no end to the lying and half truths?

My husband just seems to be unable to tell the whole truth or even part of it sometimes and it really gets to me. (He didnt used to be like this or at least not as bad but hes been under a lot of stress from job changes and deaths in the family this year and it seems to have made things worse)

Why is it so impossible to keep a job?

I have reached maximum annoyance level today. I am on the cusp of removing my husband from my home. Every time he "gets a job" he somehow has an issue with his paycheck that is never his fault. There will be a mix up or someone will forget he works there..input any excuse here. Eventually I end up calling the job and they have no idea who he is..I confront my husband about it who then denies wholeheartedly that he has lied and claims maybe its a new person or they just never met him. This is the pattern for the last 4 years.

ADD Husbands and Their Sons


My husband was diagnosed with ADD about a year ago.  My experiences echo so many posts, but what I want to talk about is how his ADD has affected his relationship with our teenage son, and I want to know if others have had similar experiences.  The idea of posting to this forum came to me when I started searching for sources for teenagers, boys, specifically, who have to deal with ADD dads, specifically.  I found no sources for kids.  All are for parents dealing with ADD kids.  I want to help my son, and I want to help other families, too, before it gets to this point, if possible.

Emptied our checking account AGAIN!

My husband and I have been married for almost 7 years and together for 12 years.  We have a 3 yr old and a 22 month old boys.  For years we didn't understand what has been happening with my husband, we just knew that he had these episodes where he'd go on binges drinking, gambling, and draining our account.  He'd be up for days on end and running until he was literally out of cash and alcohol.  He's facing sentencing now in his 4th DUI, though only the 3rd since the other fell off his record, and still with the threat of the next one being PRISON or him or someone else hurt or killed, it's

It's never going to stop! or is it?

My husband and myself click very well together.We have our Friday night out as a rule to keep our relationship healthy.Whatever it takes like dancing,etc.We are very good together.The relationship is very good for maybe 2 weeks then chaos again.I built my hopes on the weekends with him since that's really the only time I have with him because during the week it's very hectic for us,it's kids and work for me and work for him pretty much a routine.Well it's like that for everyone only difference we don't get to see each other very often during the week b/c we are not living together.The reaso

self worth

Today is my birthday.  Birthdays are always hard for me, not because they mark me getting older (although I'm not thrilled about that) but because they remind me of how undeserving I feel of attention, not only "my special day" attention but also normal attention.  
