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Still haven't found my own little corner

I am fairly new to posting on this site. But, I read a bit for a while before registering in order to post comments myself. However, the more I read on here, and the more I navigate my way around this site and the internet in general, the more isolated and separate I feel in my (I guess very unique) situation. I am an ADHD woman, married to an ADHD man and we have four children, all either diagnosed ADHD or showing all the signs but still too young for diagnosis. We have struggles in our marriage and our parenting and in life in general that are related to our ADHD.

Non ADHD Spouse resentful & angry about lack of consistant discipline & support.

Recently diagnosed, and recognizing the serious impact of ADHD on my marriage and family has been enlightening ... for me. My estranged husband (we are separated, but living in the same house with me sleeping in the RV) has not been educating himself on the disorder, even though I made it extremely easy for him by printing up articles and highlighting text. He has so much anger and resentment built up against me. I consider myself very caring and compassionate. I don't believe that I act out with malice or to be rebellious.

When your family has a very odd child

I feel strange posting in this section as I do not have children.  However my husband and I are concerned about some of the kids on his side of the family.  Especially 1 odd young girl who seems to get odder with each passing year. Since we aren't parents, we can only discuss symptoms and possible causes and maybe give them an idea to talk over with their doctor.  Her ADD seems to be the bottom of the totem pole for their treatment though because she also has had some serious allergy/sinus issues.

If you have ADD, are you also really interested in performing in some way?

And if you are, what does it add to your life that you enjoy doing it so much?  You may just want to post an answer to the question and ignore the ranting below behind the question.  I just spent a week in ADD purgatory (aka w hubby's ADHD family) and I always have to spend a day or two once out of the insanity to process what just happened to me.

I am feeling there is no hope because he says he will never take medicine.

I have been married to a man with ADD/ADHD for 14 years. He has taken medicine several times. In my eyes, the medicine was a miracle! I felt like I had a partner. I wasn't carrying the weight of our lives on my shoulders. He got off the medicine because he said it makes him feel dead inside. For 5 years I have held onto the hope that he would realize how much medicine helps him and maybe try a different medication. Currently our lives are suffering tremendously because of his untreated ADHD/ADD.
