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I am feeling there is no hope because he says he will never take medicine.

I have been married to a man with ADD/ADHD for 14 years. He has taken medicine several times. In my eyes, the medicine was a miracle! I felt like I had a partner. I wasn't carrying the weight of our lives on my shoulders. He got off the medicine because he said it makes him feel dead inside. For 5 years I have held onto the hope that he would realize how much medicine helps him and maybe try a different medication. Currently our lives are suffering tremendously because of his untreated ADHD/ADD.

Extreme marital crisis

I'm non-ADD.  Hubby diagnosed 1 week before we met.  Went on Adderall from family doc, no psych or therapist.  Only on Rx during week and wouldn't take Rx until time to go to the time he got home, it had worn off.  Essentially all of our time together was unmedicated.  Best courtship ever.  Moved in after 6 weeks, engaged at 2 yrs, married at 3.  Wednesday will be our 3 yr anniversary.  As things became more serious, our relationship fractured.  Got him to start taking Rx on weekends which initially helped, but it didn't last.

How do you change the way you think ?

I've posted before 'how do you let go of anger?'  so here is another question, how do you change the way you think or feel about things.    Sometimes he does things for 'me', and I don't appreciate them because really what he does I don't feel is for ME at all but for him.  I am aware that i don't appreciate the things he does lately.  So say for my B'day, which he actually remebered this year he bought me something that HE thought would be cool, yet i told him previously I did not want one.  One year he bought me a 'tool' for my B'day, are you kidding ?

sexless marriage wth adhd partner

I am trying to cope with very little sex with my wife...I'm doing everything in the house and am frustrated with not having sex. She was diagnosed year ago and the physical relationship has diminished drastically. I am contemplating going outside my marriage for sex but I don't want that.....I am supportive and am at my wits end. Managing finances, renovations, car maintenance and work and being father to our 3 yr old and a recovering alcoholic is taking its toll. This is myfirst blog about this and I can't take it anymore.I'm 43 yrs old and my sex drive is thru the roof.

Keeping strong....feeling nothing...he pushed me further and further away...

I don't miss him.I don't feel for intimacy with him.I don't even want to be next to him.I have resentment for him.I don't want to be around him.I am keeping strong.So far,I am doing other things to keep my mind off him,like watch movies,make healthy meals,play with my cats,clean the house and work in some extra hours (spend time with my kids)much more....I have been doing great.Also, I have been trying to sell my car to buy a more updated one,and renovate a portion of my house,I am keeping busy..Trying to stay focused and not be distracted....
