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Why can he stop cold turkey when I get hurt?

This isn't really a conflict around household tasks, but I had no idea where to put it.  Now keep in mind both the events I am talking about were pre-diagnosis so neither of us really had any idea that he wasn't just being messy and disorganized and he just needed to 'try harder'.

To those of you with ADD - Did you always feel like something was off even if you didn't know it was ADD?

We hear so many on here say their spouse is in denial about having ADD and that they blame everything on their significant other, but do those of you with ADD believe that the ones who are in denial must feel that deep down something is wrong even if they don't want to admit it or know what is wrong?   Also, how about once a spouse suggests ADD as the problem, do you then think those with ADD start to put the pieces together even if they won't admit it?  I appreciate your responses very much!  Thank you.   

Too aware of other women

I'm the ADD spouse. Recently I confessed to my wife that I needed to "work" to focus on her when we were out in public. She was/is very upset & angry. What I meant was that I know that my being aware of other attractive women in the room makes her feel demeaned, hurt, unloved, so I consciously focus on her - to protect her.

All for nothing...

I guess I was deluding myself...  It's too late.  She's made it clear that it's well and truly over.  There's no longer any point in me nursing a false hope.

She doesn't trust me...  She can't rely on me...  She doesn't respect me...  She knows it's not my fault, but she doesn't want to hate me for something I can't control.  She doesn't have the strength to try a second time, and risk being disappointed again.

She thinks we were great as friends.  I'm not certain if I can go back to just being friends with her.

Advice please

Hello everyone - Linsy here. I need advice about accompanying my husband at last to see the specialist ADHD psychiatrist, and how to manage this event. 

What do you think I should do that would be most helpful? I think I should sit quietly and continue to be supportive. I married the guy in sickness and in health - it has been very very difficult, but he is still my husband and the father of my children. And I will go through this in order to help him find peace and restore at least some of his damaged relationships. Thanks for anything any of you can advise.

New member, non-adhd wife

Hello Everyone, I'm a new member.  My husband and I have been married almost 27 yrs.  We have 10 children.  I'm a homemaker, he a small business owner.  We think he has adhd and are trying to find someone who specializes in adult add for diagnosis and treatment.  Our marriage has become disconnected, we're frustrated, (more me than him), and we've had a few fights that spiral into intense anger, then deep sadness for me.  I've had my own depression issues, worthlessness, unlovable, ever since I can remember.

Codependency / Parent-Child pattern

I'm curious...


My wife is being treated for codependency.  I'm not sure how much of it is related to my ADHD and the drinking I was doing (now sober) vs. a childhood that I know had some serious issues that I won't go into detail about here.  However, I'm curious how the parent-child pattern of an ADHD relationship compares and contrasts from codependency.

Anyone with any knowledge they might share?

Living in the Moment

Again, I am at odds with myself.  There is a funeral visitation for a good friend of mine's ex.  I don't want my DH to go along with me but he is insisting.  Why don't I want him along?  Because he will over-shadow my presence with his over the top "personality".  He will take my good friend in his arms and give her a total body to total body embrace, held too long and inappropriate for what the situation is.  He believes he is so personable and friendly and "in the moment".
