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It finally just...clicked

I am new to this site (just found it maybe a week ago) and brand new to forum posting. I wasn't sure where to post this, so I hope I got it right. I was going to tack my story on as a comment to another discussion, but again, wasn't sure where it best fit. But, I wanted to share. My husband and I have been married for eight years very hard, but overall good years. He and I BOTH are ADD!

New to this and trying to get my story out but it is a novel. Will anyone read it if I can't shorten it? lol

I guess I've held it in for so long and so much has happened to us in the past couple yrs, I have diarrhea of the typing fingers.  Suggestions before I post a novel?  I'm the non-ADD spouse in a 6 yr relationship w/ a 14 mos old daughter...desparate to rescue our marriage and save our family.

What to do when you feel like you just can't take it any more....

For the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling the stress welling up inside of me.  Almost to the point that I am ready to call our relationship and our business quits.  We have been together for over 10 years (married for 5 years).  Both of our children are in college.  My H is undiagnosed ADHD and is also in denial that he even has ADHD.  I have not disclosed to ANYONE that he is ADHD.  It is like the "dirty little secret" that I keep all to myself.  We are trying to run a business together, but it is the most difficult challenge I have ever faced.  He makes business decisions without

sounds crazy....crazy love....ADHD,I am not I am....

I am not ready to handle his ADHD,I am not ready to handle his mood swings,I am never ready for his depressions and anger...but I want his love...I need his love...he is so charming,sweet and very kind loving,yet very arrogant,inconsiderate,selfish and bad minded,What shall I do with this crazy love that is in front of me.I am very damn,damn to be put in this strenuous position at this time in my life,when I should have the life I deserve with a caring loving passionate husband,but I end up having the good,bad and the ugly out of marriage.

Turning the Corner

I'm turning a corner. This is a great site. For a while, it feels great to VENT, to get it out of your system all the things that are boiling inside and you don't say to family or friends.  It is great to have this place where you can be heard and understood. It is a great place to compare notes to weigh in to see if you are crazy or off base.  It is a great place to learn about the descriptions of relationships going through similar things and get some answers about WHY things are so challenging and what can be done.

I need guidence for a person with ADHA & Marriage

I need guidance for a person with ADHA & Marriage...

I think I have untreated undiagnosed ADHD.

My wife and myself are both stubborn and opinionated however I have these brief angry outbursts, short term memory loss and I get distracted very easy when in a conversation especially towards my wife when she questions or comments on something I've done wrong. I've been reading this blog and it sounds like I have adult ADHD.
