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What do you suppose he is thinking?

My ADD guy and I have both been very busy with work these past few months... but recently as my schedule cooled down a little, my husband and I still spend very little time together (as in, in the house at the same time).  His work is less demanding now, too, but he's filled up every available hour with hobbies and activities and other people that take him out of the house or require him to spend hours on the computer fulfilling some promise he made to somebody. 

ADD Boyfriend Ended Relationship Abruptly

Hi, I've been involved with a man (who has ADD) for 4 months. He is 59, I'm 56. He just relocated from NC to Florida to continue our relationship after initially meeting in Florida while he was visiting a friend. We've had great communication, attraction, mutual like and respect for each other. We share many things in common. After being here for one week, he abruptly ended the relationship citing impulsivity that caused him to get over-involved. He said he did not love me enough to continue on. He blamed his behavior on his ADD and said he was sorry.

Help! daughter might have ADHD.

My daughter might have ADHD,I only realized that recently when I met my ADHD husband and did researches.I landed here and started reading books.I know I should not diagnose her but these are the signs from her from baby to 9 years.

Firstly this is what I noticed from her at a young age at pre-school:

Sex,ADD and communication.

My husband is a very "highly sexual person"he has to have sex at least 3 to 5 times a day,sometimes I am very up there in the sex mood as well, I have no problem with my sex drive, but, he tends to want to do this tooooo often and sometimes the only break I would get is if we had a big fight and I am home "by my house".I have noticed also that the only time we could communicate better is after sex, and that makes me wonder why???

Hitting a low spot on the journey

Married 25 years, together 34....husband just diagnosed with ADHD last summer.  January 6th he started Adderall, and our life changed.  Could NOT have been any better.  Finally, he has focus, clarity, understanding...things have come a LONG, LONG, LONG way for us...lately though, we are at a standstill.  Well, I am at a standstill.  He cannot seem to grasp that anything is less than perfect.  I keep talking with him, hinting to him, and also flat out telling him, what the issues are at hand.  He acknowledges me, listens to me, seems to understand me, even thanks me most times, for what he s


Still lost,still confuse,don't know how to go on like this? he is never ever going to change the way he is.

Today is my DD birthday and she turned 9 year's today,(thank god)may god give her a happy long life.I was very happy to take her out to the play grounds with one of her friends, and they are about the same age,I took them for pizza today and they played in the"pizza play grounds"while I waited for them,they had sooo much fun.

New to the forum- ADHD wife here...

I was diagnosed in the fall at 33 years old... I have always known I was different.  I actually have ADHD (combined type) with a side of OCD and anxiety.

I have been married for 9 years. We have a 3 year old son and another baby due in November.

I didn't believe my diagnosis at the beginning- even though it was made after 6 months of therapy, family interviews, looking through old report cards, cognitive tests... 

Just a few questions. Please take a look?

Alright, before I even start, I'm going to tell you that I'm only sixteen. Don't worry, my boyfriend (who has ADHD) is sixteen too. You see we're still in high school. Now, before you tell me that I have no business posting here, I'm not here to act like a child. I truly want to be there for my boyfriend and understand the way his mind works. I hope you don't just respond with 'you guys are too young to have any real feelings for each other'. We've been going out for a little over a year and have never had sex so we're obviously not into the whole "ignorant, hormonal teenager" thing.
